Coolest Wheel of Fortune Birthday Cake

I have been making my son a special birthday cake each year for the past 5 years. I get my ideas based on what he is most interested in a few weeks before his birthday. This year was easy, he started watching Wheel of Fortune a few months ago and loves it. I definitely got inspiration for this Wheel of Fortune Birthday Cake from other “wheel” cakes on this site. My son’s favorite cake is confetti cake and vanilla icing.

I baked two 8″ round cakes for a 2-tier cake and frosted them. I then printed out an 8″ wheel template with 16 wedges and a 4″ center, which looked most realistic to me for the size. I cut out one wedge and used it as a template to cut wedges of fondant. Unfortunately I did not have black fondant for the Bankrupt wedge, so that was just printed out and placed on top of a blue wedge (of course removed before eating)!

I used a black gel pen to label all the wedges before they were placed on the cake. This made it easier to write on them. The wedges were then arranged on the cake and the center circle was filled with green crystals and bordered with the black gel pen. Since the cake did not have my son’s name on it, I found a Wheel of Fortune letter board image online and printed it out. I then printed and cut each individual letter and glued them to the board. The day before my son’s birthday, I found a lazy Susan at a thrift store and put the cake on it so he could spin it. He absolutely loved it.

Now for the “if I could do it all over again” tip: although I measured the wheel template to 8″ like the cake, once the fondant was cut and placed on the cake, the wedges ended up larger than the cake. So next time I would make a 9″ cake for the 8″ fondant wedges. Hope you like my version of the wheel.

1 thought on “Coolest Wheel of Fortune Birthday Cake”

  1. Very awesome work on the Wheel Of Fortune cake! I’ve been decorating cakes since 3 years ago, and this past April I took the third Wilton class-Fondant and gum paste! It was tricky, but it was worth the trouble of trying to decorate good cakes.


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