My grandson loves the Phineas and Ferb cartoon on TV and asked me to bake him a Phineas and Ferb cake for his 7th birthday. I searched the internet for suitable images of them until I found two nice ones. Then I enlarged the printouts on a photocopy machine to the size of my oven tray and cut the pictures out.
I used two packets of cake mix and baked the cake in a large rectangular oven tray. Then I mixed the butter icing using icing sugar, white margarine and different gel food colouring: orange, yellow, blue, green and burgundy.
For the red and black butter icing I used powder food colouring and for the brown I used some cacao powder. I made 12 different colours before I started to ice the cake.
First I covered the top of the cake with light green butter icing and the sides of the cake with light yellow butter icing smoothing it with a blunt knife. Then I placed the pictures on top of the cake and used a toothpick to trace around the edges of the pictures. Afterwards I iced them in the correct colours using different star tip. Finished with that I decorated the edges of the cake in red also using a star tip. At last I sticked a yellow nr 7 birthday candle on top the cake in between Phineas and Ferb and I made a yellow and red circle around the candle with a star tip. I also wrote his name on the front side of the cake with golden balls using a tweezer to stick them into the icing.
My grandson and all his friends were thrilled with the cake and enjoyed it very much.
Wonderful!!! I love it.
Wonderful!!! I love it.