My daughter wanted to have a Plants Vs Zombies themed birthday sleepover for her 9th birthday. Great, except nobody makes Plants vs Zombies (a popular video game) anything. So I used a trick that my mom (who used to bake cakes semi-professionally) taught me. I printed a coloring page of the Plants vs Zombies head for the zombie. I taped it to the table and then taped a piece of parchment paper over hit. I piped the homemade buttercream icing into it, using different colors as needed. Then I froze this on a flat cookie sheet and stored it in the freezer until the day of the party. I also made candy brains using a brain mold and stored those in the refrigerator. On the day of the party, I baked a round layer cake. In my quest to get a very moist cake, it did not exit the pan as nicely as I would have liked. The top layer cracked in two as I placed it on top of the bottom layer. I patched it together with icing but it never set up enough to even crumb coat. It was very moist! What was I to do? The party time was fast approaching… I glopped the homemade chocolate fudge icing on it, smoothing it as much as I could. Then I inverted the frozen zombie head (which also cracked but I pieced back together) over it. I placed brains around the edges. It was done. Everyone thought that I made it to look like the zombie had burst from the ground and in its frenzy to eat brains, “destroyed” the cake.
Cool Plants vs. Zombies Birthday Cake