Defy gravity and wow your guests with one of these cool anti-gravity cakes. Playing with your food just got socially acceptable and making one of these creative edible illusions is sure to float loads of compliments your way.
1. Thai Noodle Bowl Anti-Gravity Cake
Anti-Gravity cakes submitted by Shanya J.

Whenever I get to make a cake for someone, I go through the process of a lot of thinking before deciding what the final product should look like. This time it was different. I was making a cake for my dear own husband.
First of all, I am not a professional baker, but we can definitely try our hands on anything with our family as guinea pigs. Right? Lol!
So, this time, I made up my mind to make him his favorite food as a CAKE! I was not sure how it would actually look upon completion.
I baked his favorite Butterscotch cake in a Pyrex bowl to get the shape of noodle bowl. When the cake came out of the oven my dear little brats came to me asking, “Are you baking for daddy’s birthday? It smells so good. Can we have it now?” :D Finally, I pushed them out of my small kitchen, satisfying them with small muffins I had baked earlier.
That evening, I started covering the noodle bowl with homemade white fondant. It was a bit difficult to get the rim perfect.
I covered the top of the bowl with white buttercream and started to make the noodles. Since I don’t have a pasta machine to get the perfect noodle, I used a pizza cutter to thinly slice the buff colored fondant into strips. Wow! Even I was amazed to see how realistic it looked.
I wanted to add some fun to the cake by making it gravity-defying, so I made the chopsticks to form an “X” and tied that to a wooden dowel which went right into the middle of the cake. Then I covered that with noodles.
I was very sure about the ingredients that should go into that noodle bowl- shrimp, eggs, greens, lettuce, bean sprouts, peppers and mushrooms. I have seen my husband’s noodle bowl dozens of times and it always included those food items.
When I finished I was proud of myself. For the first time I felt like crying out for joy.
At midnight I woke my dear husband and when he saw the cake he couldn’t believe his eyes. He was so happy and he said that he had never seen such a cool cake in his entire life! Those words made my day. He sent the pictures to his family and friends and everyone was so happy with the cake.
So, here it is my friends …hope you like it too!

2. Stowford Cider 40th Birthday Cake
Anti-Gravity cakes submitted by Pearl C.
I made this anti gravity cake for my son-in-law who loves Stowford Cider. It was for his 40th birthday and I wanted something with a WOW factor.
Designing the Barrel Cake
The cake was made from a 6 layer checkered cake using a Zenker 24cm set of 3 checkered cake tins (which I bought for £2 from a local car boot sale). The cake flavour was Chocolate and vanilla sponge which I layered together with homemade strawberry jam and alternate layers of chocolate or vanilla buttercream. Once assembled I carved the top of the barrel and shaped it to form half a barrel. I then crumb coated it with chocolate buttercream and put it in fridge for an hour to firm.
Once firm I covered the barrel with Renshaw chocolate flavoured fondant which I had rolled out with a wood textured rolling pin. I then scored lines down the barrel sides to form planks of wood. To create the metal bands that hold a barrel together I used strips of black fondant.
On top of the barrel is a metal magnetic bottle opener with Ryan and year of birth printed on it. The label on the front of barrel is my son-in-laws favourite cider so I had this printed onto rice paper.
Creating the Anti Gravity Cider Pour
The beer glass is made of plastic. It is one that you can put in the freezer and then use to cool the drink. I bought it at a local Home Bargain store.
I had seen numerous gravity cakes online but disliked the liquid effect as people had used fondant and I felt that this looked too artificial. So, I experimented with various things (ie. piping gel, royal icing and melted toffee), but they all looked too heavy. Suddenly, I had a brainwave to try melting clear mints. To do that I placed them in a glass dish and microwaved them for 10 seconds at a time, stirring in between each 10 seconds until they were melted.
- IMPORTANT: At this point you have to work quickly, so have a piece of greaseproof paper on a tray, a clear straw with a bendy end and some Ivory colouring gel.
When the mints are completely melted, add a tiny spot of Ivory colouring gel and stir. Pour onto greaseproof paper, place the straw on top and quickly roll the straw in the liquid mix keeping the bendy end of straw free. Once straw is covered push the free end into a piece of polystyrene and using a paint brush apply the remaining mint mix to the straw, pulling the brush away to create splashes. Then, leave it to dry.
To attach the straw to the glass and can I melted some more mints and put a blob on the bottom and side of glass and attached the straw. Then I put a blob on the bendy end of straw and pushed it into the can.
To complete the look I covered the cake board with fondant and scored squares to make it look like a cellar floor.
I love this cake. To me it looks so real and everyone else thought so too. I had so many compliments that this was one of the coolest anti-gravity cakes ever which was lovely.
3. Pancake Breakfast Anti-Gravity Cake
Anti-Gravity cakes submitted by Holly

Well let me start by saying I have become known as the cake lady…and now when we need a cake for friends or a coworker, everyone is usually looking at me. I have been ” elected” to make a cake of some sort for my boss for several years now. Every year I need to be creative and try and “top the year before”. I have made a 3d chicken and coffee cup with saucer all in the name of birthday cake. We all know those people who are hard to buy for and even harder to surprise with a cake.
Well after much soul searching I settled on the idea that a gravity defying pancake cake would fit the bill! His family has a tradition of making Sunday morning pancakes and I thought what better than to have pancake cake! With that settled, how in the world was I going to make a cake to look like pancakes, with syrup pouring on it to boot!
First Step of Creating the Anti-Gravity Cake
My first stop was the local hardware store. I knew after some research I was going to need some copper tubing. It’s food safe and strong enough to hold my faux food cake. On to the plate, I knew I wanted to use a real plate, to make it look even more realistic, so after about 3 drill bit heads, hubby finally was able to get a hole in my plate for the copper tube.
(Fiestaware is a lot harder than you think!) Onto modeling chocolate 101. I learned I really love the stuff, and after a few attempts I was ready to use it on my cake as syrup. So with cake baked, torted, filled, stacked and gently placed on the copper tube I was moving on to lots and lots and lots of long snake like pancake ropes. My poor eyes began to cross by the time I placed the last one but I was loving the way it looked. I just have to say that none of this would have been possible without the use of youtube. What a fun teacher!
So cake if finished, chocolate syrup is pouring down the sides. I am one pretty proud home baker.
The next morning was so much fun and the best part about baking cakes! The smiling faces, the ” how did you do that” , the wow’s and awww’s. And on very pleased boss!
I sat there while everyone was enjoying the cake. And thought, oh no, what about next year! Good luck with your own anti-gravity cakes.
4. Spilling Coke, One of the Coolest Anti-Gravity Cakes
Anti-Gravity cakes submitted by Stacy
This was just a bored Sunday afternoon experiment. I had just enjoyed McDonald’s and thought up this anti gravity cake idea! Not knowing if it would work. But hey, it really worked!
I completely cleaned and dried the large sized McDonald’s cup and lid. In addition, I whipped up a simple Victoria sponge cake in the oven!
Once the cake was ready and completely cooled, I started to cut the cake into disc shapes.
I started to add the round shaped discs of cake into the cup, while layering buttercream frosting in between each one. I left a 3 inch gap from the last piece of cake to the rim of the cup.
Tricky Anti Gravity Cake Construction
I started with my melted milk chocolate, completely covering the top of the cake in the cup. You have to wait for this to completely set before adding another layer. I kept doing this until I could confidently tip the cup upside down without the cake falling out.
In between the drying process of the chocolate in the cup, I had time to work on the other part of the anti gravity cake. Using a round 5 inch cake card, I got on with the base.
I started with a big dollop of melted chocolate in the middle of the cake board and again waited for it to dry.
To connect the base to the cake cup, I used a 7 inch food safe wooden kebab stick. I pushed into the dollop of already set chocolate on the cake board.
I carried on with layer after layer after layer of chocolate to cover the stick. This was also to get height and to ensure that this was a solid piece of chocolate to support the cup filled with the cake.
Then, I attached the solid block of chocolate to the cup filled with cake with more melted chocolate. This step took some time.
When this was all completely solid the whole thing stood up as seen in the picture – just as i wanted it to!
For the ice cubes, I melted some clear mints into a standard ice cube tray. After waiting for them to set, I attached them to the chocolate with more melted chocolate. The last step was to add the straw, and then, presto! A McDonald’s Coke drink that is actually an anti gravity cake treat for two.
5. M&Ms Anti-Gravity Cake
Anti-Gravity cakes submitted by Jaimie Y.

This M&Ms anti-gravity cake was a practice run for me to see how it would turn out. To make the cake, I used a balloon stick with the plastic clip “glued” to the cake board with melted chocolate. I placed 3 pieces of floral wire in the upside down balloon stick and trimmed to length. Then I baked 2 – 9 inch round cakes, gently sliding them one at a time over the stick once they cooled. I filled the cake with vanilla buttercream one layer at a time.
Tip: Stick a piece of fondant or frosting in the opening of the stick to prevent cake bits from lodging in there.
After your cake is frosted and in place, bend the stick (gently) to the desired angle. I glued peanut M&Ms to the stick, but I would not recommend using them if this is your first time doing this. They are very heavy and I was literally standing in my refrigerator gluing the M&Ms on with chocolate while trying to get it to set as quickly as possible.
I also recommend using the chocolate wafers instead of chocolate chips as the glue. They seem to work better for me.
Start where the stick meets the cake and build up a few at a time, allowing a couple minutes in between for the chocolate to set. Once you reach the top or the bend, take an empty M&M bag (try not to eat all of them, you will need them for the cake) and glue it to the stick with melted chocolate.
I arranged the M&Ms as if they were spilling onto the cake and placed a few in the back so it wouldn’t look so bare.
The cake went to work with my husband after it was done. They loved it!
Take a look at even more cool anti-gravity cakes in the main gravity cakes section…