Matthew wanted a tractor cake which I had a basic plan for in my mind. Quite unusually as a man, I have been delegated the cake making or at least icing for our parties. Then Matthew got fixated on having icing vegetables and insisted that he new where to buy them on the other side of town. Happily while the debate and nags raged, while at our local supermarket we happened across these packs of icing in different colors that mold like play dough.
So while I was busy with the baking and icing he and a friend got stuck into molding vegetables. I found the icing could be rolled out like dough onto some wax paper and carefully lifted and draped and slightly stretched over the cake. The donought wheels were nearly my undoing as I sloshed them through melted dark chocolate as the first guests were arriving. The cab was made from a Kit-Kat chocolate, individual fingers for the frame and a slab for the roof glued on with chocolate (my wife’s idea).
The cake was very well received even more so that Dad had made it and Matthew was chuffed which was the main purpose.
This cake is awesome! What did you use in the center of the back doughnut wheels?
This cake is awesome! What did you use in the center of the back doughnut wheels?