Coolest Super Mario Cake

Homemade Super Mario Cake

I made this Super Mario cake for my Mario-fanatic twins for their 5th birthday. I took a crusting buttercream frosting and bought store bought red frosting, because I heard that red was hard to make, and I didn’t want a pink Mario! I printed off a picture of Mario online and transferred it to the … Read more

White and Pink Flowers Wedding Cake

White and Pink Flowers Wedding Cake

A three-tier wedding cake centered around the theme involving white and pink flowers. I use only butter-cream (Pastry Pride Brand) for the entire cake including the flowers. The top piece is made with mocha cake with mocha mousse, the middle piece is made with chocolate cake and chocolate mousse, and the bottom piece is make … Read more

Coolest Zebra Print Wedding Cake

Coolest Zebra Print Wedding Cake

My son & daughter in law had the theme colors of hot pink, zebra and black. At first I was not sure what this Wild Wedding Zebra Print Cake would look like together, actually, it was beautiful together. I had made cakes before; but, never with fondant. My son’s father made the fondant and rolled … Read more

Coolest Castle Wedding Cake

Homemade Castle Wedding Cake

I made this castle wedding cake for my friend’s daughter. I made a fruit cake for the bottom and chocolate for the middle and plain for the top. I iced all tiers in ivory and hand made the ivy leaves which I wired together to go around the cake. The castle was made using some … Read more

Coolest Vegas Wedding Cake

I was the maid of honor at my good friend’s wedding. I love to make cakes so I offered to make her wedding cake when we got back from Vegas. Well I tell ya, this Vegas wedding cake turned out pretty great!! The Vegas sign on top of the cake flashes and her cake topper … Read more

Coolest Homemade 50th Anniversary Cake

Coolest Homemade 50th Anniversary Cake

I have just started making cakes on the side and this is a 50th Wedding Anniversary Cake Design that I did for a 50th Wedding Anniversary. The couple eloped so they never had a wedding cake. Each layer is a vanilla cake and is covered in homemade buttercream icing. I tinted the buttercream with an … Read more