Coolest Lizard Cake

Homemade Lizard Cake

I made this lizard cake for a friend’s little boy’s 5th birthday. He is very into lizard’s at the moment and really wanted a lizard cake. I always make my own children’s birthday cakes and I really enjoy doing them, so was happy to make this one for my friend. I started by making a … Read more

Coolest Cake Climbing Lizard

Homemade Cake Climbing Lizard

When I was asked to make a homemade cake climbing lizard cake for my friend’s son’s 7th birthday party I came to this website for inspiration and found lots of great ideas. I had my plan and was all ready to start when the little guy decided he wanted a small, plain, white cake with … Read more

Coolest Lizard Birthday Cake Design

Homemade Lizard Birthday Cake Design

This is a Lizard Birthday Cake Design I made for my son’s 8th birthday. He had only two requests, that it be red velvet and a lizard theme. I think I accomplished my goal quite nicely. I used 2 9” red velvet rounds cut into halves and filled with cream cheese frosting and chocolate chips … Read more

Coolest Lizard Birthday Cake

Homemade Lizard Birthday Cake

This Lizard Birthday Cake was made for my friend’s son’s 7th birthday. I got the idea from other cakes I found on this site. The lizard was sculpted from rice crispie treats. I did him a few days before and let him harden by placing him on an upside down cake pan. I then did … Read more

Great Homemade Lizard Birthday Cake

Homemade Lizard Birthday Cake

This is the Lizard cake I made for my son’s sixth birthday. Tip 1: Leave the cake uncovered in the fridge overnight before carving it into shape. Tip 2: Use a fine serrated knife to carve the cake. Tip 3: Use Trex or similar to cover your work surface, as well as your hands, before … Read more

Coolest Chameleon Cake

Homemade Chameleon Cake

Here is attempt #2 at a cool reptile birthday cake for my son. My other cake is the orange and white Burmese Python Cake on this website. He was having a special reptile party and he wanted a lizard this time so I thought a chameleon cake would be fun. There weren’t a lot of … Read more