Cute Homemade Angelina Ballerina Birthday Cake

Homemade Angelina Ballerina Birthday Cake

My daughter asked for an Angelina Ballerina Birthday Cake for her third birthday. I made a chocolate cake , a Mississippi Mud Pie. Once it had cooled down, I cut a little rectangle out to fit two plain biscuits for Angelina’s body. The biscuits can be glued together with some icing, and they need to … Read more

Coolest Angelina Ballerina Birthday Cake

Homemade Angelina Ballerina Birthday Cake

My daughter turned 4 and wanted an Angelina Ballerina Birthday Cake for her party. I wanted to do a Tinkerbell doll cake, but she didn’t want a bar of it! So i thought OK, tried everywhere to look for a figurine, or candle but found nothing. I was happy to do a simple base. So … Read more

Coolest Angelina Ballerina Cake

Angelina Ballerina Cake

I made this Angelina Ballerina cake for a very special friend for her 30th. Hand drawn design cut out into a template and used to cut the cake’s shape out of 2 large square cakes. Filled in the middle and iced on the sides with a delicious chocolate ganache (half cream and half chocolate melted … Read more

Coolest Homemade Angelina Ballerina Birthday Cakes

Coolest Angelina Ballerina Cakes on the Web's Largest Homemade Birthday Cake Gallery

For my Angelina Ballerina cake, I baked two cakes, an 8″ round and a 12″ round, double layers. Then iced them light pink and separated them with a Wilton plate and pillar set. I piped on hot pink hearts, made borders, writing, and lots of roses. Then I used some Angelina ballerina toys that my … Read more

Coolest Angelina Ballerina Cake Photos and Tips 1

I made a simple Angelina cake for my daughters 3rd Birthday. First I made a basic sheet cake (her favorite flavor- strawberry). I used marzipan and shaped it into a head, body and tail. Since the marzipan is colored, I rolled it in powdered sugar to make her white. I had fun making this cake … Read more

Cool Homemade Angelina Ballerina Cake

Homemade Angelina Ballerina Cake

We used two cake rounds, cut to make sort of a 8 shape for this Angelina Ballerina Cake. Then used two of the mini doll cake pans. I think in all only one cake box was used. Fondant was used for the skirts and sparkly sugar sprinkle for the top of the platform to kind … Read more

Pretty Homemade Angelina Ballerina Birthday Cake

Homemade Angelina Ballerina Birthday Cake

My daughter is going through an Angelina Ballerina stage and wanted her 3rd birthday cake to be an Angelina Ballerina Birthday Cake. My inspiration came partly from Cake Boss, where they did a circus freaks cake and partly from Neviepiecakes photostream as she does a lot of handpainting on her cakes. I went and bought … Read more