Awesome Homemade 3D Little Einstein Rocket Cake

Little Einstein Rocket Cake

My son wanted a Little Einstein theme for his 2nd birthday so I thought it would be cute to make a Little Einstein Rocket cake. Rocket’s “body” was made in three sections. The bottom section (gray part) of the cake is made with Styrofoam then covered with marshmallow fondant. I would have used cake but … Read more

Coolest Little Einstein’s Rocket Cake

Little Einstein Rocket Cake

My inspiration and planning for this Little Einstein’s rocket cake came entirely from the cakes I found on this website. For my son’s 2nd birthday, we did a Little Einstein’s theme. I loved the idea of the rocket cake but I have never made/decorated a cake in my life. I used the cakes from this … Read more

Coolest Little Einsteins Rocket Cake

Homemade Little Einsteins Rocket Cake

For my son’s 3rd birthday cake, he wanted Rocket from the Little Einsteins. I used 2 cake mixes to make 3 different cake shapes: one 9×13, one 8″ round cake, and the rest of the batter went into a glass batter-bowl for the dome-shape of rocket. I frosted the 9×13 cake in green to resemble … Read more

Coolest Rocket Cake

Rocket Cake

My inspiration for this Rocket cake is from Little Einsteins. I made a larger round cake and a smaller dome cake for the top. I iced the bottom cake first, then positioned the smaller cake on the top making sure enough space was left for the headlights. I put the blue icing on first for … Read more

Coolest Little Einsteins Cake

LIttle Einstein Rocket Cak

I really didn’t think I could do this Little Einsteins cake but after three hours, the cake was complete and I learned a lot. To make this cake, I started with a two cake mixes, a rectangle cake pan, a round cake pan, and a small batter bowl. Bake your cakes according to package directions … Read more

Coolest Little Einsteins Rocket Cake

Homemade Little Einsteins Rocket Cake

This Little Einsteins Rocket Cake was for my nephew who loves Little Einsteins. To begin I baked 1 6″ round, 1 8″ round and for the dome of Rocket a 3″ deep 6″ round and cupcakes for the engines. I made these cakes and 4 days before the birthday party and froze them. This made … Read more

Coolest Rocket Birthday Cake

Homemade Rocket Birthday Cake

I made this rocket birthday cake for my son Dexter’s fourth birthday. I made two cakes using the Wilton football cake pan (one cake mix per cake). Using a toothpick I sketched an outline of the top layer of rocket. I cut out a rough shape of the top layer of rocket out of one … Read more

Cool Homemade Little Einstein’s Rocket Cake

Little Einstein's Rocket Cake

For this Little Einstein’s Rocket cake, I used the 10″ Wilton oval pan and half of the 8″ Wilton 3D egg pan. I made two cake mixes and used the extra batter to make cupcakes. I used 4 Twinkies for the engines and attached them together and to Rocket using toothpicks. Then I carved a … Read more

Coolest Little Einstein Rocket Cake

Homemade Little Einstein Rocket Cake

I created this Little Einstein Rocket Cake after looking at the many ideas on this website. My son is obsessed with Little Einsteins and Rocket. So naturally it was the theme for his second birthday. I took pieces from each idea and this was the end result. It turned out fantastic. I took half a … Read more

Coolest Rocket Cake Design

Homemade Rocket Cake Design

My 2 year old really loves The Little Einsteins! And his favorite toy is the rocket so that is where I got inspired to make this Rocket Cake Design for his birthday. It was much easier than I anticipated. I used two boxes of Betty Crocker Butter Cake Mix. Baked two 9 inch rounds and … Read more