Coolest Humpty Dumpty Cake Ever

Hello folks… Presenting to you my most prized creation, my Humpty Dumpty Cake and my own version of my niece’s favorite rhyme: Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall Humpty Dumpty had A great time And all of the BAKERS ‘n Chefs Brought Humpty Dumpty Back to life again It was my niece’s 3rd birthday and what … Read more

Coolest Nursery Rhyme Cake

When my friend asked me to make a cake for her sister’s baby shower, I was excited to hear that the theme was nursery rhymes.  I spent a few days researching nursery rhyme cakes and then I got to work.  I decided to do a two tier cake mostly because I wanted the Humpty Dumpty … Read more

Fancy Humpty Dumpty Cake

The cake came in two parts, a Humpty Dumpty made out of rice krispies treats and a bright red vanilla Madeira sponge brick wall. I made Humpty first to allow plenty of time for the sugar paste to set nice and firm to minimize the risk of limbs breaking off when assembling the cake. I wanted Humpty’s arm to stick out … Read more

Cool Humpty Dumpty Birthday Cakes

Coolest Humpty Dumpty Cakes on the Web's Largest Homemade Birthday Cake Gallery

I used a chocolate mould to make Humpty Dumpty and an ordinary sponge for the wall. When the time came to eat the cake my daughter was adamant Humpty was not going to fall so we ate the wall and only convinced her to eat Humpty a week later! Another Cool Humpty Dumpty Cake Cake … Read more

Coolest Humpty Dumpty Cake Photos and Tips 1

I made two loaf cakes and used one and a half of them to build the wall, then covered it with red butter creme icing. The bricks were piped with chocolate icing. I used two cupcakes to make Humpty Dumpty and shaped it to an egg-like shape using white butter crème icing. The hands, legs, … Read more

Coolest Humpty Dumpty Cake

Homemade Humpty Dumpty Cake

My son loved the Humpty Dumpty rhyme as a baby so my husband and I made him this Humpty Dumpty cake for his 1st birthday. The bottom is an ordinary circle cake. We made the grass out of coconut coloured with green food colouring. And then just plain old smarties and sprinkles for the other … Read more

Coolest Humpty Dumpty Birthday Cake

Homemade Humpty Dumpty Birthday Cake

My daughter requested a homemade Humpty Dumpty birthday cake for her second birthday and initially I thought we would make a “flat one” but after Googling some pictures, I saw one on this website made with cupcakes which seemed feasible. Fortunately my mother is very creative and was enthusiastic about making it after I showed … Read more

Coolest Humpty Dumpty Cake Design

Homemade Humpty Dumpty Cake Design

Completely inspired by the Humpty Dumpty cakes on this site, I made this Humpty Dumpty Cake Design for my Godson’s 2nd birthday. Due to time constraints, I bought a vanilla slab cake for the base and two loaf sized chocolate cakes for the “wall”. I coloured some premade Betty Crocker delux frosting green and covered … Read more