Coolest Iggle Piggle Cake

Iggle Piggle Cake

I made this Iggle Piggle cake for my child’s 1st birthday. The ones in the shops were too small for the amount of guests I had coming to his party. I decided to make one! Iggle Piggle is from ‘In the night garden’, a popular children’s programme in the UK. The cake was a butter … Read more

Coolest In The Night Garden Upsy Daisy no 1 Birthday Cake

Homemade In The Night Garden Upsy Daisy no. 1 Birthday Cake

This In The Night Garden Upsy Daisy no. 1 birthday cake was really fun to make. I used a bottomless no. 1 cake tin and this to was double up to be able to fill with homemade butter cream and strawberry jam.. It was left in the fridge and straightened all the sides to look … Read more

Coolest Upsy Daisy Cake

Homemade Upsy Daisy Cake

I made this Upsy Daisy Cake for my daughter’s 2nd birthday and was really happy considering it is the first cake I’ve done. I used a tin, which made it easier. I couldn’t find an Upsy Daisy tin, so used a “Raggedy Ann” one. Needed to cut out a little bit here and there, but … Read more

Coolest Iggle Piggle Cake

Homemade Iggle Piggle Cake

I made this Iggle Piggle cake for my son’s 1st birthday. I photocopied and enlarged a picture of Iggle Piggle. Then I cut it out and placed it on a slab of sponge. I traced around the picture with a knife to cut out the cake in the shape of Iggle Piggle. The icing is … Read more

Coolest Upsy Daisy Cake

Homemade Upsy Daisy Cake

I made this Upsy Daisy Cake for a friend’s 2 year old. It is a vanilla sponge cake (20 cm) with vanilla buttercream. I covered both the board and the cake with green fondant. All the decorations, including Upsy Daisy, I modelled from gumpaste (also called flowerpaste), which dries hard, except the rocks behind Upsy … Read more

Coolest HAAHOO Birthday Cake 2

Homemade HAAHOO Birthday Cake

Here is the HAAHOO Birthday Cake I made for my daughter’s 3rd birthday. I was a bit stuck for ideas until my son suggested making her a Haahoo as she has a Haahoo cushion that she loves. I made the cake in a large roasting tin making two mixes of cake one yellow and one … Read more

Coolest In The Night Garden Cake

Homemade In The Night Garden Cake

The base of this homemade In the Night garden cake is an 8″ round chocolate sponge sandwich with chocolate fudge icing centre, sat on a 10″ round cake board. The top tier is a 6″ round lemon sponge sandwich with lemon buttercream icing centre, sat on a 6″ cake board. There is a clear plastic … Read more

Coolest In The Night Garden Gazebo Cake

Homemade In The Night Garden Gazebo Cake

My 3 year old loves In The Night Garden and I was going to make Upsy-Daisy, but I saw the little figurines for sale in Woolies, so decided to make the In The Night Garden Gazebo Cake instead. I bought a piece of dowel and cut it into 5, then covered each in blue and … Read more

Pretty Homemade In the Night Garden Birthday Cake Idea

Homemade In the Night Garden Birthday Cake Idea

I made this In the Night Garden Birthday Cake Idea for my friend’s son Joseph`s first birthday, he loves Iggle Piggle. Before starting I looked around on similar websites for ideas of where to start – so here is my cake. It is an 8 inch Victoria sponge with raspberry jam and buttercream. I covered … Read more

Coolest Makka Pakka Birthday Cake

Homemade Makka Pakka Birthday Cake

My daughter’s favourite In the Night Garden Character is Makka Pakka. Therefore for her 2nd birthday I decided to attempt to create a Makka Pakka birthday cake. First of all I drew a rough sketch of what I wanted it to look like. I decided I would need two square cakes (approx 20cm tins). From … Read more

Coolest In the Night Garden Birthday Cake Idea

Homemade In the Night Garden Birthday Cake Idea

My son is a fan of In the Night Garden, the British TV programme aimed at toddlers and pre-schoolers. His sister watches it occasionally but it was when she got the Makka Pakka plush toy that sings and talks that he really started taking an interest. So it was a bit of a no-brainer when … Read more

Coolest In The Night Garden Cake

Upsy Daisy In the Night Garden Cake

I made this In the Night Garden cake for my obsessed 2 year old daughter. Used banana cake, need a heavy cake for the white icing. I cut the cake into 6 parts, legs (minus feet), arms (minus hands), head and body. Ice the head first with skin colour white icing. Make the hands fully … Read more