Cool Homemade Makka Pakka Birthday Cake

Homemade Makka Pakka Birthday Cake

I made this Makka Pakka Birthday Cake for my son’s 2nd birthday. He absolutely loved it. I made four 9″ round cakes (white velvet). One was used to carve the head (I did all of the carving by eye, no template used), two cakes were carved into the body (I also placed a wedge of … Read more

Coolest Upsy Daisy Birthday Cake

Homemade Upsy Daisy Birthday Cake

This Upsy Daisy Birthday Cake I made was for a friend’s 2 year old little girl who loves In the Night Garden and her favorite character is Upsy Daisy. First of all I printed a picture of Upsy Daisy from the internet, then cut around it. I then baked one slab cake 12″ x 8″ … Read more

Coolest Makka Pakka Cake

Homemade Makka Pakka Cake

I made this delicious Makka Pakka Cake for my darling son’s first birthday, everyone said I should post it so others could see how creative I was and the end result was just brilliant. I hired a oval tin for his head and a rectangle tin for the body, hands and legs. I decided on … Read more

Coolest Upsy Daisy Birthday Cake

Homemade Upsy Daisy Birthday Cake

My 2 year old boy loves “up day” as he calls her and I was going to make a digger cake, but at the last minute opted for Upsy Daisy. To his great delight (and mine) my homemade Upsy Daisy birthday cake was a huge success. I purchased the sponge and set to work on … Read more

Coolest Upsy Daisy Birthday Cake

Homemade Upsy Daisy Birthday Cake

This Upsy Daisy Birthday Cake is an 8″ vanilla sponge cake filled with vanilla butter cream and strawberry preserve. The cake was coated with vanilla butter cream and iced with vanilla flavoured fondant. I now make my own fondant and fondant gum paste but had to try several different recipes before I found one that … Read more