From teapots to peacocks, our featured cake decorator, Glenda Barton, has shared some pretty magical cakes here at Coolest Birthday Cakes.
At the ripe old age of 26, her friend, Kathy, sparked her interest in cake decorating. Glenda was fascinated by the professional results Kathy was able to achieve with her not so secret cake crafting tool… a Wilton character cake pan. Kathy’s infamous 6th birthday party Holly Hobbie cake ignited a passion for cake decorating in Glenda that continues to this day. In fact, she’s been baking with pure love for the art ever since.
Way to go Kathy! You inspired a future cake decorator who went on to inspire others with her own beautifully crafted and detailed designs.
More About Our Featured Cake Decorator
Glenda took her first steps into cake making by decorating cakes for her children, family, and friends. It wasn’t long before word got around though. Co-workers and friends of friends then started asking for homemade cakes for their events and celebrations too.
That’s when Glenda hit her first big obstacle. Everyone wanted different cakes and the cost of buying Wilton pans for every requested character did not fit her budget. She had to find a more affordable way.
She soon started drawing her own designs, carving cakes to fit those shapes, and adding character details with icing.
In Glenda’s own words…
“At first the cakes were simple and a little rough around the edges …. well A LOT really. I hung in there though. There were ‘cake disasters’ along the way, but I simply scraped them off the wall, off the floor, or off the floorboard of my car, and started all over. Yes! Tears were involved!”
Despite the challenges, she didn’t give up. With practice she learned how to masterfully fix little mess-ups and camouflage imperfections and has gone on to make everything from themed birthday cakes to baby shower and wedding cakes… 100s so far (and counting).
Learning how to “sculpt” cakes widened Glenda’s options for creating custom cakes. She loves the feeling of accomplishment she experiences when she faces a challenging cake request head on (especially ones commissioned by her grandchildren) and delivers just what the “customer” ordered. She is thankful for baking shows on the Food Network and credits Ace of Cakes for influencing the advancement of her cake “sculpting” skills.
Can Your Order One of Glenda’s Cakes?
Probably not. Glenda works full time. Her passion for cake decorating continues to grow, but she doesn’t aspire to starting a cake business. Rather, she enjoys crafting cakes during her spare time and reaping the “special rewards” of her hobby unencumbered by pressing deadlines.
“I think what is most satisfying for me are the wide eyes and big smiles I get when the recipients first see their cake… especially the children. That is always the best part. I do hope I can continue to make cakes for many years to come. Oops! Gotta run… cake’s in the oven!”
Glenda’s Cakes
- A Sports Cake for a True AthleteThis cake, as you can see, was for a very busy young man. He loves football and baseball and it … Read more
- Go Hogs! Razorbacks Birthday Cake!Here in southwest Arkansas we love our beans and cornbread, fried potatoes, sweet tea and yes ma’am we love our … Read more
- Pretty ‘n Pink CakeThis cake pales in sweetness compared to the person I made it for. An acquaintance turned friend due to an … Read more
- Cool Green Dino Birthday CakeThis was done in honor of a wonderful man’s birthday who was visiting our church. A Godly man spreading the … Read more
- Sweet Surprise Baby Shower CakeA precious cake for a precious friend. The baby shower cake was a true work of love and joy for … Read more
- Coolest Homemade Pink Castle CakeFor years my granddaughter loved pink, and then she didn’t. It is utterly sad to see them grow up and … Read more
- Hot Pink and Zebra Stripes CakeBaby M’s shower was the cutest ever! We have such talented ladies in our church and they had it all … Read more
- Original Homemade Buttons and Doilies CakeThis is a little cake I did (actually I did 2) for some very special ladies who are in the … Read more
- Cool Wrecking Ball Skylander CakeI donated a “ cake of your choice “ to a local benefit auction. The winner was a super lady … Read more
- Precious Gender Reveal CakeWhen you find out you are going to have a sweet little angel to call your own, you want to … Read more
- Coolest Beach Party CakeI am always ALWAYS so happy for repeat clients. It thrills me that they were happy with their first cake … Read more
- Cute Elephant Baby Shower CakeThis cute baby shower cake was the second cake I was honored to make for my sweet friend Laurel. The … Read more
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