Coolest Baby Einstein Caterpillar Cake Photos 11

I used 2 Wilton dome pans (4 domes in each pan), 1 box of cake mix, let cool really well in pan then turn upside down to let the domes slide out, hopefully unharmed. I then used Wilton roll out Fondant icing (a little hint: knead in a little bit of clear vanilla or almond … Read more

Coolest Caterpillar Baby Einstein Cake Photos 2

Using Wiltons Ball pan I baked 5 ball halves, let cool and leveled each one by cutting off excess cake horizontally (from the “bottom” of the body section). I traced the caterpillar shape onto cardboard using the cake pan so I would know how long the board needed to be. Then I cut the edges … Read more

Coolest Baby Einstein Caterpillar Cakes 6

For my daughter’s first birthday party I chose to make Baby Einstein Caterpillar cakes. I got many great ideas and tips for this web site prior to starting my own variation. It was time consuming but well worth all the effort. I didn’t bake the cakes the day before but do recommend it if you … Read more

Cute Homemade Baby Einstein Happy Caterpillar Cake

Homemade  Baby Einstein Caterpillar Cake

My little girl really enjoys her Baby Einstein videos, so for her first birthday my wife and mother-in-law made a Baby Einstein Caterpillar cake. This was a great choice for more reasons than just my daughter’s love of Baby Einstein. First, since we were expecting upwards of 30 guests, we needed lots of cake, and … Read more

Colorful Homemade Baby Einstein Caterpillar Birthday Cake

Homemade Baby Einstein Caterpillar Birthday Cake

I made this Baby Einstein Caterpillar birthday cake for my son’s 1st birthday – it was about about the only thing he recognized at the time! I used simple metal mixing bowls to bake the cake for the body segments. The legs, antenna, and tail are cupcakes, cut to fit their space. I used a … Read more

Coolest Homemade Lion Picture Cakes and Tips 10

My son had a Narnia party so I created an Aslan cake for him. This cake is just a double layer round cake. I colored frosting a light orange (peach) color and frosted the whole cake. I darkened the orange color up and used a large decorating tip that has several holes on the end … Read more

Coolest Homemade Catterpillar Cake Gallery 0

I made this cake using the Wilton sports ball pans. I used six different cake mixes. Five for the body and the sixth was for cupcake legs-all made the night before. I wanted to do icing stars to cover the cake but I didnt have the patience. I used tip number eighteen to cover him. … Read more

Coolest Caterpillar Baby Einstein Cake Photos 3

I made this baby Einstein cake for my daughters 1st birthday. I made six 9″ round cakes and about 2 dozen cupcakes. I took a diaper box and covered it with waxed paper so that it wouldn’t stick and that would be big enough to hold the caterpillar. I took the cakes and alternated them … Read more

Coolest Baby Einstein Caterpillar Cakes 7

I used the ideas for Baby Einstein caterpillar cakes from this site. I used the Wilton ball pan to make the caterpillars body and a very large sheet pan to make the grass part. I used the green icing to ice the sheet cake first then I arranged the caterpillar. I iced the entire caterpillar … Read more

Coolest Baby Einstein Catepillar Birthday Cake

Homemade Baby Einstein Catepillar Birthday Cake

I decided to make this Baby Einstein Catepillar Birthday Cake after seeing pics of all the other Baby Einstein Catepillar cakes on this site. I purchased the Wilton Sports Ball pan from Michaels and used one box of cake mix for every 2 halves. I alternated with Chocolate and Yellow Cake mix, the head was … Read more

Coolest Baby Einstein Caterpillar Cake

Homemade  Baby Einstein Caterpillar Cake

I was able to make this Baby Einstein Caterpillar Cake for my son’s first birthday with the helpful suggestions of several other people on this website. I used the Wilton Sports Ball pans for the body of the caterpillar and cupcakes for the feet, tail and antenna. I used Cake Doctor cake recipes to make … Read more

Cool Baby Einstein Birthday Cake Ideas

Coolest Baby Einstein Birthday Cake Ideas

My nephew loves baby Einstein so my sister of course chose baby Einstein as the theme for his first birthday party. She had thought about ordering a baby Einstein birthday cake but I decided I would try to make it. I actually put the whole thing together the morning of the party. It took me … Read more