Cute Homemade Bratz Head Cake

Evil Looking Homemade Bratz Cake

I made this Bratz cake for a friends little girl. She wanted a Bratz doll cake. I baked around 6 chocolate sponge cake and stacked them on top of each other. I then carved it round to make the head shape. I added butter icing then added royal icing to cover the face. I then … Read more

Coolest Bratz Picture Cakes and How-To Tips 4

I used a chocolate cake mix and prepared according to the package directions. After the cake cooled I froze it then frosted it with Betty Crocker white icing and put it back in the freezer. I found a Bratz picture that my friends daughter would like. I taped the picture to the bottom of a … Read more

Cool Homemade Bratz Cake

Bratz Cake

I made this Bratz cake for a friend’s daughter’s 5th birthday. It was quite daunting as a mum of 2 boys but I found lots of inspiration from this website. I baked 2 9inch cakes and sandwiched them with jam and buttercream. I coloured fondant icing pink and covered it. I then drew a picture … Read more

Coolest Bratz Cake Photos and How-To Tips 0

My niece, Montana, wanted a Bratz cake for her birthday and her mom wanted cupcakes for the girls who would be spending the night for the party. So I made a one layer 8″ round cake and decorated it with a Bratz and made cupcakes with colorful sprinkles to go around it. It was a … Read more

Coolest Bratz Picture Cakes and How-To Tips 5

This cake was a trial cake I made in preparation for my nieces birthday. I wanted to see how it might turn out. I made a regular boxed chocolate cake and then iced it with Wilton’s chocolate butter cream icing. I then found a Bratz picture on the internet which I enlarged and then traced … Read more

Cool Home Made Bratz Cake

Homemade Bratz Cake

This was my first ever Bratz cake. I couldn’t get a Dolly Varden cake tin so used a stainless steel bowl instead. I wrapped the bottom of the doll in plastic wrap and inserted her into the cake. I covered her in chocolate ganach icing then went over with coloured butter cream. Was made for … Read more

Coolest Bratz Cake Photos and How-To Tips 1

These cakes were my first attempt at cake decorating EVER! My kids asked for Bratz cakes this year and while searching the internet for ideas I came across this site for a Batz cake.That is where I heard about a frozen butter cream transfer for the first time. Ive always wanted to try my hand … Read more

Coolest Bratz Picture Cakes and How-To Tips 6

This is my very first cake after taking Wilton Decorating Class – Course 1. This particular cake used three boxes of cake mix. After using buttercream frosting (homemade with Wilton recipe) I traced a Bratz picture onto wax paper. I used a toothpick to draw this picture. I star tipped the whole Bratz using differed … Read more

Coolest Bratz Picture Cakes and How-To Tips 7

I have never made a cake before. My daughter really wanted a Bratz cake for her sixth birthday this year and we had a heck of a time finding a premade one at the store. Thats when she suggested that I do it for her…how hard can it be right? (Apparently I had no idea!) … Read more

Coolest Bratz Cake Photos and How-To Tips 3

Being on a budget I was unable to make my daughter the Bratz cake she dreamed of so using cheaper decorations and some creativity came up with this cake which she loved. I used a couple of Betty Crocker cake mixes for this cake as they are without fail. Im not a great baker. Icing … Read more