Coolest Graduation Times Two Cake

Coolest Graduation Times Two Cake

What an honor it was to create a cake to celebrate the High School Graduation of two incredible kids.  When I ask about the theme for the party I was told: Jasmine likes purple, peace signs and music, Nykael likes red, plants, music…they both play the Clarinet. The school colors are red and black and … Read more

Coolest Preschool Graduation Cake

Coolest Preschool Graduation Cake

This is my 4 year old son’s preschool graduation cake.  The class was having a party at school and I wanted to make something REALLY special for them.  It was a huge hit! Even the teachers loved it, telling me other teachers and staff were coming to take pictures.  I was so pleased! I am … Read more

Cool Homemade Marshmallow Fondant Graduation Cake

Coolest Graduation Cake

I wanted to make a cake for my step-son’s graduation. I didn’t want to make another traditional star cake. We had bought him a graduation card and this is what I based my cake on. I looked for the perfect pan and found a bread/angel food cake pan. This way I didn’t have to do any cutting..hate … Read more

Cool Zoology-Themed Graduation Cake

Cool Zoology-Themed Graduation Cake

I was asked in 2012 to bake two graduation cakes for one family. I was told one would be a marine biology theme, the other zoology.  I asked what college and was informed these were high school graduation cakes.  Who knew?  I asked the color and was told the graduates didn’t want their school colors, just their … Read more

Cool Homemade History Graduation Cake

Homemade Graduation Cake

I made a large “history” book for this Graduation Cake because grade 12 is now history! The cake was vanilla and the graduation cap was chocolate. The top of the cap is cardboard for stability and the result looks pretty good, I think.

Coolest Mascot Graduation Cake

Homemade Mascot Graduation Cake

I made this Mascot Graduation Cake for my Grandson’s High school graduation. It is one of three that I made for this event. It is a white cake with white chocolate ganache filling. It is frosted with Italian butter creme frosting. It is made from 2- 10″ round cakes. The characters are made from homemade … Read more

Coolest Sigma Graduation Two Tier Cake

Homemade Sigma Graduation Two Tier Cake

I was asked to make a cake for a dear friend, who’s son was graduating from FAMU as a Sigma. I used Fat Daddios brand cake pans – one considered as a 1/2 sheet and the other as a 1/4 sheet. Both tiers each have 2 layers of cake each with icing in between layers. … Read more

Cool Homemade Graduation Cap Cake

Coolest Graduation Cap Cake

The bottom layer of the Graduation Cap Cake is an upside-down cake, and the top is a square cake. I put a thin piece of cardboard under the top layer to support it. The Tassel is a Twizzler that I cut into strands at the bottom to make it look more realistic! I used a … Read more

Cool Homemade Graduation Cake Made With Wilton’s Sports Ball Pan

Homemade Graduation Cake

This Graduation Cake was made for a friend’s graduation party! I baked and stacked 1/2 of Wilton’s sports ball & 2-13×9 cakes, a little off centered! They were both crumb coated and final iced in the color of the graduation girls choice, then each outlined with the others color! Three sides were iced white with … Read more

Coolest Book Graduation Cake

Homemade Book Graduation Cake

This is a homemade book graduation cake that my best friend and I made for our friend that graduated. We slaved for hours…lol :) The books were made from baking three 13×9 confetti cakes. We took a piece of cardboard and covered it with notebook paper that we had doodled all over and placed the … Read more

Coolest Kindergarten Graduation Cake

Homemade Kindergarten Graduation Cake

For this homemade kindergarten graduation cake I started with a 9×9 cake pan and a small glass bowl pan. I used a yellow butter cake recipe. I then used fondant tinted to make the graduate, diploma and to cover the cap. The top of the cap is actually a piece of cardboard. The bottom of … Read more

Cool Homemade Green and White Graduation Cake

Homemade Graduation Cake

My youngest sister was graduating the same year I started making cakes so I was very excited about this Graduation Cake! Her high school colors and college colors were almost the same! She was going into drama which is why I made theater masks in fondant. She was also studying journalism in fashion. For that … Read more