Cool Homemade Cross Cake

Homemade Cross Cake

I made this cross cake for a church potluck. I baked a strawberry cake in the Wilton cross pan and then covered it in chocolate fondant. I tinted some of the fondant darker to make the center cross. I tinted some white fondant pink and used a blossom cutter to punch out the flowers. I … Read more

Coolest Calvary Cross Cake

Homemade Calvary Cross Cake

I made this Calvary Cross cake for Pastor Appreciation Day. The center cake, whose height was 3 1/2″, was made using a full sheet pan. The stained glass cakes were made using icing gels and edible pearls; to help the icing gels keep their shine, I used a hair dryer on cool setting.

Coolest First Communion Cake

Homemade First Communion Cake

This first Communion cake was for a friend’s son. I had never made a First Communion cake before or a cross cake for that matter. This was also the first time I made a ½ and ½ cake. It was ½ yellow cake and ½ chocolate. I used an 11×15 pan and cut the shape … Read more

Coolest Communion Doll Cake

Communion Doll Cake

My daughter was having her First Holy Communion. I have made a doll cake before, but felt that this one needed to be all that much more special for her. I usually just iced the cake with regular frosting and maybe added some sprinkles. I decided to be fancy-shmancy this time and invest in a … Read more

Sweet Homemade Buttercream Christening Cake

Homemade Christening Cake

On the occasion of my grandson, Luke’s, baby christening, I decided to make a cross cake using Wilton’s cross pan. Luke’s niece, Sydney, was also being christened, and since the event was a family event, I decided to include her in the cake, as well. This presented a challenge as I had to find a … Read more

Coolect Angel Wings Birthday Cake

Homemade Angel Wings Birthday Cake

This angel wings birthday cake was really fun to make. I used a 10″ cake tin and this to was double up to be able to fill with homemade butter cream and strawberry jam. It was left in the fridge and straightened, all the sides to look perfect (hopefully ). The cake itself was quite … Read more

Coolest Christening Gown Cake

Homemade Christening Gown Cake

I made this Christening Gown Cake for my niece. It took me several hours but I enjoyed making it. It was actually my first time using fondant and found it quite amazing. Since there were going to be 80 people attending, I needed to make enough cake for all. I made four sheet cakes and … Read more

Coolest Casket Cake

Homemade Casket Cake

My coworker challenged me to bake him a casket cake for his birthday. Although it may sound weird it isn’t, we work in a funeral home. Two weeks before I began work on gum paste roses, I used Wilton Ready to Use Gum Paste. I mixed red fondant into it and some Red gel coloring. … Read more

Coolest Homemade 2 Tier Christening Cake with Booties

Homemade Christening Cake

My friend asked for a a blue and white christening cake. I searched the net for ideas. All of the cake is made of fondant apart from the ribbon on the booties. I made a standard sponge cake recipe, using a 9 inch and 6 inch tin. The large bow was made of fondant and … Read more

Coolest Pastor Appreciation Cake

Homemade Pastor Appreciation Cake

This Pastor Appreciation cake is a triple layer cake that was torted with buttercream and strawberry filling. The Cake was covered in white fondant, and the Bible, cross and praying hands were all made out of fondant as well and hand painted. The flowers on this one are silk.

Cool Homemade Confirmation Cake

Homemade Confirmation Cake

This confirmation cake was made by cutting a 9×13 cake into 3 pieces. After the cake has cooled, cut it in half lengthwise to form two rectangles. Cut one rectangle about a third down. The center of the cross in the largest rectangle piece and then use one smaller piece up top and the remainder … Read more

Coolest Homemade Baptism Cake with Sculpted Lamb

Homemade Baptism Cake

This is a homemade Baptism cake for a friend. The cake was half white and half chocolate, with buttercream icing and covered in marshmallow fondant. The lambie, blankie and Bible were sculpted with gum paste. I wrote the scripture verse “Suffer the little children unto me” with a small paintbrush and black gel colouring. Next … Read more