Coolest Baby Einstein Caterpillar Cakes 0

I was inspired by other Baby Einstein caterpillar cakes on this site especially cake #7 by Crystal. We also used Wiltons sports ball pans. The whole cake was made with four boxes of cake mix. Box 1: Chocolate-split in half by pouring mix into two 9×13 pans. Box 2: yellow cake- for yellow and blue … Read more

Cool Homemade Happy Caterpillar Birthday Cake

Homemade Caterpillar Birthday Cake

I was inspired by this site to make my own Caterpillar Birthday Cake for my daughter’s first birthday party. It was actually really easy, but looks complicated and received a ton of compliments. I used the Wilton Sports Ball Pan, but you could easily use any oven-proof bowl that doesn’t have a flat bottom. Using … Read more

Coolest Caterpillar Birthday Cake

Homemade Caterpillar Birthday Cake

My little girl told me she wanted a Caterpillar birthday cake for her second birthday. I Googled till I saw a few pictures and then let my imagination go wild (maybe a little too wild!). I used a packet mix cake as I didn’t want to waste extra time if it all went wrong. To … Read more

Cute and Colorful Homemade Baby Einstein Caterpillar Cake

Homemade Baby Einstein Caterpillar Cake

This Baby Einstein Caterpillar Cake took about eight hours in which I felt like my arm and hand were going to fall off towards the end but I was so pleased with the outcome. I would also recommend making the frosting ahead of time and store them in disposable plastic containers so you can throw … Read more

Coolest Hungry Caterpillar Birthday Cake

Homemade Hungry Caterpillar Birthday Cake

I made this Hungry Caterpillar Birthday Cake for my son’s 1st birthday last January when there was big publicity for the Hungry Caterpillar story, celebrating it’s (40th?) anniversary. I still had some ready-made, ready-to-roll icing left over from the Christmas cake season, and used this to make the caterpillar. The cake is a basic sponge … Read more

Coolest Very Hungry Caterpillar Birthday Cake

Homemade Very Hungry Caterpillar Birthday Cake

This Very Hungry Caterpillar Birthday Cake was made using individual cupcakes which were dyed green inside with food colouring (to make it all the more caterpillary) covered in rolled icing to make the body and head, and a basic sponge cake mixture for the base, cut into a strawberry shape. There is homemade strawberry jam … Read more

Coolest Homemade Catterpillar Childrens Birthday Cake Ideas 4

This cake I came up with after looking at another childrens birthday cake on this site. Like the others I used the Wiltons sports ball pan to make the half circles. I wanted different textures like you would have on a real caterpillar so that is what you see with all the “spikey’s.” I placed … Read more

Coolest Baby Einstein Caterpillar Cake Photos 6

For this Baby Einstein Caterpillar cake, I just followed the existing caterpillar pattern (the ones showed in this cake gallery) with a few changes in the way I decorated each round cake pattern-wise). I used the whipping cream icing from Wiltons with no 16.

Coolest Baby Einstein Caterpillar Cake Photos 9

My mother and I made an ADORABLE Baby Einstein caterpillar cake for my son’s first birthday. It was very time consuming, but I am so glad that we did it. I was so excited to see how well it turned out. We actually baked and decorated the cake the day before his birthday because his … Read more

Coolest Baby Einstein Caterpillar Cakes 1

My two year old daughter adores the Baby Einstein videos and Einstein Caterpillar (aka Blinky). After researching other Baby Einstein caterpillar cakes I decided I wanted a three dimensional version of the caterpillar and used a mini sports ball pan to achieve it. The pan has six small semi-spheres so I baked two batches for … Read more

Coolest Homemade Caterpillar Birthday Cake

Homemade Caterpillar Birthday Cake

This Homemade Caterpillar Birthday Cake was for niece Katie-Beth’s 11th birthday. I bake all the birthday cakes for my nephew, his wife and their 11 kids!! What fun to see their expectant faces as I arrive at the parties! I baked a strawberry cake mix with added mini chocolate chips in a bundt pan. I … Read more

Coolest Catepillar Birthday Cake

Homemade  Catepillar Birthday Cake

Our son’s Baby Einstein Caterpillar Cake turned out AWESOME! I baked it, and my patient, and talented sister – Cristy iced it! We hated to cut it! It only took 5 hours of baking and 5 hours icing! What fun! The head was vanilla cake, the teal ones was lemon, the red was red velvet, … Read more