Coolest Baby Einstein Caterpillar Cake

Baby Einstein Caterpillar Cake

My mother-in-law made 2 large sheet cakes and iced them together. Then cooked 5 round cakes and placed them in the shape of the caterpillar on top of the sheet cake. We iced them the same colors as the caterpillar and used icing tools for the eyes and mouth. Then she found 2 wood grommets … Read more

Colorful Homemade Baby Einstein Caterpillar Birthday Cake

Homemade Baby Einstein Caterpillar Birthday Cake

I made this Baby Einstein Caterpillar birthday cake for my son’s 1st birthday – it was about about the only thing he recognized at the time! I used simple metal mixing bowls to bake the cake for the body segments. The legs, antenna, and tail are cupcakes, cut to fit their space. I used a … Read more

Coolest Very Hungry Caterpillar Birthday Cake

Homemade Very Hungry Caterpillar Birthday Cake

My daughter loves books, so when it came to making her 1st birthday cake, I looked to her book collection for ideas. The one book that seemed to have the easiest recognizable character to copy was ‘The Very Hungry Caterpillar’ by Eric Carle. I looked at the other Hungry Caterpillar cakes on this site for … Read more

The Very Hungry Caterpillar Cake

The Very Hungry Caterpillar

I made The Very Hungry Caterpillar cake for my grandson’s 1st birthday. He has loved the book “The Very Hungry Caterpillar” by Eric Carle since he was an infant. I took a cake decorating class last year but wasn’t sure I could pull this off. It turned out great! I used 1-1/2 bundt cakes, and … Read more

Coolest Homemade Catterpillar Cake Gallery 4

For my daughters first birthday we decided to do a garden theme. A caterpillar cake seemed to be the perfect thing but I wanted it to look like a girl. I think we succeeded. I used a small Pyrex bowl to bake the individual cakes (or sections) in. One tip I got from my Mother-in-law … Read more

Coolest Homemade Catterpillar Cake Gallery 1

We used 2 boxes of white cake mix for the main cake large Wilton sheet pan. The icing we used was Duncan Hines Whipped icing. For the caterpillar segments we used another box of cake mix in Wilton dome pans. To ice the segments we colored the icing w/ Wilton gel colors and used tip … Read more

Baby Einstein Caterpillar Cake 4

When my daughter was about 10 months I began to look for ideas for her first birthday party. I saw a Baby Einstein Caterpillar cake and fell in love with it! After the cakes cooled I put the two halves of each ball together using different fillings such as vanilla and chocolate puddings, strawberries, bananas … Read more

Coolest Baby Einstein Caterpillar Cakes 8

To make my Baby Einstein caterpillar cakes, I used the Wilton Sports Ball pan. I iced each ball separately with butter cream and #16 tip stars. I copied the exact colors and order of color from the Baby Einstein logo. For the face I iced the eyes and pink cheeks smooth (finger dipped in cornstarch … Read more

Cool Homemade Caterpillar Birthday Cake

Homemade Caterpillar Birthday Cake

I used the Wilton Ball Pan, but instead of making the 2 layer cake I just used one side of the pan, which was easier and faster because I could bake 2 cakes at a time for this Caterpillar Birthday Cake. I used 1 Strawberry Cake Mix, 1 Chocolate Cake Mix and 1 Vanilla Cake … Read more

Coolest Baby Einstein Caterpillar Birthday Cake

Homemade Baby Einstein  Caterpillar Birthday Cake

This Baby Einstein Caterpillar Birthday Cake was my son’s 1st birthday cake. It was also my first attempt at a custom birthday cake. It took some time to make but was so worth it! Baby Einstein was the birthday theme and this is how the caterpillar cake was created: The bottom of the cake is … Read more