Cool Homemade The Very Hungry Caterpillar Cake

Homemade The Very Hungry Caterpillar Cake

My son loves to “read” look at books and one of his favorites is the VHC. He loves all Eric Carle books, which is why I wanted to make The Very Hungry Caterpillar Cake for his first birthday party. I do not do much baking. I am guessing this will change because I have many … Read more

Coolest Very Hungry Caterpillar Cake

Homemade Very Hungry Caterpillar Cake

My nephew asked for a Very Hungry Caterpillar cake and so I went on a mission to make the perfect one. I figured I needed something that would make a curved cake with ridges, bundt cake tin! I tried a couple, none were ridged enough until I shelled out for the (very expensive) Nordicware one. … Read more

Coolest Baby Einstein Caterpillar Cake Photos 4

For this Baby Einstein Caterpillar cake — each cake was a different flavor, chocolate, lemon, strawberry, orange and vanilla. I used Betty Crocker frosting with food coloring. I used 9-inched Wilton baking pans. I set the cake on a piece of 3/8″ plywood that was 2X 4′.X 4..

Coolest Baby Einstein Caterpillar Cake Photos 7

My son loved watching Baby Einstein movies; in fact its the only thing he’d watch! His favorite by far was the caterpillar. So for his first birthday I decided to have the Baby Einstein theme, but like others, I had a really hard time finding anything with the caterpillar, especially when it came to the … Read more

Coolest Caterpillar Baby Einstein Cake Photos 11

I got this Baby Einstein cake idea from this website so I thought Id share my finished product. I wanted to find a cake idea for my son’s 1st birthday and this was perfect. The Baby Einstein videos are a lifesaver in my home and he LOVES them, so it was only natural to have … Read more

Fun Homemade 3D Colorful Caterpillar Birthday Cake

Homemade Caterpillar Birthday Cake

This is a Caterpillar Birthday Cake I found in the Woman’s Weekly kids cakes and thought I’d put my own twist on it for my son’s 2nd birthday. I ended up making chocolate mud and white chocolate mud cakes in round bowl type tins and then cut down into the correct sizes until I got … Read more

Sweet Homemade Yellow Birthday Cake With Caterpillar Topper

Homemade Caterpillar Birthday Cake

I wanted as natural looking cake as possible. The Caterpillar Birthday Cake itself was an ordinary carrot cake and used standard icing. Once cake icing set, I position a caterpillar on top(I made it out of banana and used a small apricot for its head). Then I used the same cake icing just added some … Read more

Coolest 3D Baby Einstein Caterpillar Cake

Homemade 3D Baby Einstein Caterpillar Cake

I made this for my friend for her sons 1st birthday (Linkin loves Baby Einstein). I used 1 liter Pyrex glass bowls (which you can buy from any super market) lined with baking paper to bake the balls. I had 3 different types of cake – 1 ball caramel mud, 2 chocolate mud and 2 … Read more

Coolest Baby Einstein 1st Birthday Cake

Homemade Baby Einstein First Birthday

My son was into Baby Einstein and I wanted to have something different for his first Birthday. I couldn’t at the time find anything online that was more than a flat cake with a drawing on top. So I made this Baby Einstein 1st birthday cake. I could have used the Wilton mini ball pan, … Read more

Coolest Very Hungry Caterpillar Cake

Homemade Very Hungry Caterpillar Cake

I learned a lot about how to start thinking about this cake from this site. So, Thank you! I baked two bundt cakes for the body and one round cake for the head. I cut the bundt cakes into thirds and reshaped them. I then sliced them in half length-wise to create two layers. I … Read more

Coolest Homemade Catterpillar Childrens Birthday Cake Ideas 2

I got the idea for my daughters first birthday cake from the Wilton website and also this website. Thanks to everyone for posting their childrens birthday cake pictures! I couldn’t find the cake pan required for the round cakes and wanted it a little smaller so I found a small glass bowl at a kitchen … Read more