Coolest U.S. Air Force F-35 Cake

Coolest U.S. Air Force F-35 Cake

I have been decorating cakes for several years, usually for family and friends. A friend asked if I could make a U.S. Air Force F-35 cake for a welcome home party she was having for her son who was home on leave from the U.S. Air Force. He is training to maintain and repair F-35 fight … Read more

Coolest Aircraft Cake With Army Men

Coolest Aircraft Cake With Army Men

This aircraft cake was created for a group of men and women who worked with the military. A cake of an aircraft was specifically requested.  I already knew this cake was going to be a challenge for me but was up to it and excited to do it. I always enjoy trying new things, that’€™s how I … Read more

Coolest Blue Angels F18 Birthday Cake

Homemade Blue Angels F18 Birthday Cake

My son has always been fascinated with fighter jets. A few years ago, the Blue Angels were featured at our air show, and he has been requesting a “Blue Angels” birthday cake ever since. After being a fighter pilot for Halloween this past year, I figured I would attempt the cake for his 7th birthday. … Read more

Coolest B-2 Stealth Bomber Birthday Cake Idea

Homemade  B-2 Stealth Bomber Birthday Cake Idea

I made this B-2 Stealth Bomber Birthday Cake Idea for my husband’s birthday. I wanted to make some kind of airplane and this one seemed easiest due to the straight lines and minimal sculpting. As long as you can pull up a picture of the real thing as a reference, it’s very simple. Bake your … Read more

Coolest Plane Cake

Homemade AWACS Plane Cake

This was an AWACS military plane cake for a birthday/ going off to work in party. Came in at three feet long with an almost three foot wingspan. Weighed about thirty pounds. Used cake for the fuselage and rice crispy treats for the wings, tail and radar.

Coolest F16 Airplane Cake

Homemade F16 Airplane Cake

My son loves fighter planes. So for his 3rd birthday we decorated with F-22s and F-16s. For his F16 airplane cake, I took his favorite plane and drew it out on some graph paper. This helped me get the dimensions right. I then took those dimensions and optimized it to cut out the correct pieces … Read more

Cool Homemade F16 Airplane Cake

Homemade F16 Airplane Cake

I made this F16 airplane cake for a coworker who was moving to Italy for a job related to F-16s. I cut the shape out of a 12×18 sheet cake. I didn’t want to waste the rest of the cake so I made an Italian flag and an American flag cake too, out of the … Read more

Coolest Homemade Airplane Cake

Homemade Airplane Cake

I baked this Homemade Airplane Cake for my son’s 6th birthday. I used two large rectangular shaped cakes, which I then cut and layered after following a layout on this site (aiplane cake 08). The cut-out (though a square and mine a rectangle) enabled me to use the entire cake with all the cut outs, … Read more

Cool Homemade Airplane Birthday Cake

Homemade Airplane Birthday Cake

I baked this Homemade Airplane Birthday Cake for my husband’s 26th birthday. I followed his wish and sculpted a vanilla cake with vanilla cream and vanilla fondant in the shape of a F22 Raptor. I baked two pieces of cake dough in a large pan (aprox. 30/30 cm). Then I cut them in a shape … Read more

Coolest Red Arrow Plane Cake

Homemade Red Arrow Plane Cake

For the Red Arrow cake pictured I used the Madeira Sponge Cake Recipe and cooked it in a loaf shaped tin. I also used the Gelatin Icing recipe and colored it red to make the wings. Gelatin Icing needs several hours (preferably overnight) to dry and harden preferably turning half way, so I suggest doing … Read more

Coolest Airplane Cake Idea and Photos 6

I made this cake for my sons third birthday. He’s a HUGE Blue Angel fan. I made it from 2 sheet cakes – cutting out the body from one and the wings from the second (diagonally). The cockpit was made from a snack cake (I wouldn’t recommend that cake idea, since it sat a little … Read more

Blue Angel Jet Plane Cake

I used the same technique that the other Blue Angel cake on this site used but to make the cockpit and tail wings I made sugar cookies. As you can see from my cake pictures, the tail wings were simply triangle cutouts and the cockpit I made by baking the cooking on the backside of … Read more