Once upon a cold and rainy March day, my husband had a birthday. A week previous, I drew up a plan for an extravagant naked cake; just for my man.
To my dismay, he said, “No Way.” “A very simple cake will do.” so I baked him one (That was sugar free)!
A naked cake I still desired to make, so a few days later, I began to bake.
Layer upon chocolate layer, I filled and stacked.
(Within, pink and purple buttercream, I packed).
Hmm, this doesn’t quite fit my style…
(I’d been developing that for a while!)
Maybe some string work to add some flare.
Now, my naked cake was not quite bare.
It was scantily clad in lacy white,
then topped with fruit, Oh, what a sight!
When all was done, (and photographed and shared),
I took it to a friend, of whom I deeply cared.
For, it was her birthday that day…
So, I gave her a naked cake wearing “Lingerie”!
-Tracie S. Smith
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