Home » Baby Cakes » Building Blocks Cakes » Coolest Homemade Baby Blocks Cake with Teddy Bear

Coolest Homemade Baby Blocks Cake with Teddy Bear

This Baby Blocks Cake is a 3 ingredient cake that taste AMAZING! Here is what you need to make it; graham crackers, heavy whipping cream and Hershey’s chocolate syrup. No measuring required, all you do is beat the heavy whipping cream until it turns to a nice whipped thickness (before it turns to butter) add however much chocolate syrup you want to achieve your color and sweetness.

I like to get it to a Wendy’s frosty color. Then you simply take your whipping cream and graham crackers and build..alternate 1/2 thick layer of cream and graham cracker. Let the cake sit over night so the crackers absorb the moisture, it is super yummy and super easy.

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