Coolest Bobcat Cake

I made this cake for my 3 yr old son. He has been wanting a bobcat cake for months. His daddy has taken him for many bobcat rides, so this was defiantly going to be his birthday theme!

I baked a 9×13 size yellow cake and then cut the shape of a bobcat. I had run a picture off the internet to give me an idea of what to look at. After cutting the shape I covered it in white frosting, outlined everything in black using a number 3 tip.

With orange frosting and a number 16 tip I colored in the orange and used a tip 5 for the lines under the numbers. I used tip 2 for the bobcat cage. I used tip 18 to make stars along the bottom to make it look complete.

The cake was a big hit! Even his grandpa who owns 6 or 7 bobcats was pretty impressed.

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