Coolest Iggle Piggle Cake

I made this Iggle Piggle cake for my daughter’s first birthday. She loves In the Night Garden and immediately knew who it was when she saw her cake on her birthday.

I made a Victoria sponge for the cake and froze it. When it was semi frozen I cut it in half to put jam and butter cream in. This is the easiest way to cut a cake without it breaking up and was a tip I read on here.

I used fondant icing to cover the cake and board and cut the flowers out of fondant too with a little bit of piping.

It was pretty tricky getting the colour right for Iggle Piggle and I’m not sure I got it quite right. I basically made the head, legs and body by rolling balls of fondant and shaping them then stuck them together with a little water til it hardened.

This is quite an east cake to make and you could add any of the characters to sit round the cake.

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