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Coolest Jello Pool Birthday Cake

This Jello Pool birthday cake was a simple 1234 birthday cake recipe. When I went to empty it onto the serving tray, half of the cake stuck to the pan so I am lucky I was able to pry it off and still frost it (our little secret).

For the pool, I let the jello set 75% of the way; hence it’s a little lumpier but it kind of looks like the pool water is moving. I am glad I let it set this long because I didn’t have to worry about the jello seeping through the rest of the cake!

The “people” are Teddy Grahams and they are suntanning on fruit roll-up towels. The diving board is a wafer cracker. The rubber rings are sour candies.

The edges are chocolate fingers to look like the earthy part of my backyard with the grass colored sugar crystals.

I am very pleased with this cake, even with half of it sticking to the pan. This is the perfect cake for my daughter’s backyard pool party!

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