I am exhibiting this medieval fantasy castle cake at an upcoming fair. I picked this design because I thought it would be simple and easy. It was simple, but it was far from easy.
They say nothing worth having comes without hard work. Let me tell you, this cake drove that point home for me like nothing else! I definitely faced a few challenges along the way.
Medieval Fantasy Castle Cake Fun and Challenges
- I wanted the walls to look textured and realistic, so I ordered a brick impression mat online, but my biggest problem was getting the walls to stand up. I don’t know how many of you have been to New York, but in the summer, the humidity is ridiculous!
- I knew my fondant walls would sag if I didn’t dry them out properly, so I did my homework and discovered Tylose powder (aka my new best friend for stabilizing fondant). It worked like a charm. I added it to my fondant, cut out the walls, textured them, and they were dry enough to use the next day. Needless to say, whoever invented Tylose should be rich.
- After I had solved that problem, I was faced with the daunting task of making the turrets. At the fair I am exhibiting at the guidelines say that everything has to be edible. Therein was my problem, No food is shaped like a turret.
- I gave it some thought, and finally settled on Rice Krispy treats. I squished them together, molded them inside a piece of plastic tubing, and stuck them in the refrigerator.
- Later, I covered them in white chocolate to fill in any cracks and holes in the Rice Krispy treats, and shaved off the excess so I was left with a near perfectly round turrets. I later covered those with textured fondant as well.
- Then, it was just a matter of putting everything together.
- I had baked a cake for the base of each tier, and when I placed the walls and turrets on, lo and behold, my castle appeared.
- Once my base was done, the fun part began. I loved adding all the little details that really make a cake come to life.
- I added the windows, a door, shrubbery, flags, and topped it all off with a dragon I sculpted out of fondant (which is a story in itself).
All in all, I was very happy with the way my cake came out; however, it was way harder than I expected. So if you’re up for a real challenge, try a castle cake for your next cake making and decorating project! :)