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Coolest Monkey Cupcakes

I got this idea from the other monkey cupcakes on this site. To make it my own I made a few little changes.

I used M&M’s for the eyes, cause who doesn’t like M&M’s and they add a little bit more color. I used vanilla wafers for the nose/mouth piece. I cut the tip off with a sharp paring knife. I then took a sandwich bag and cut a very small part of the tip off and filled it with leftover chocolate icing. I doted the nose, and the eyes to give them a little character.

For the ears I used mini Smores cookies(Keebler) and cut off the tips on those as well.

Since red/pink frosting is so hard to make I bought the red frosting in a pin and used that for the mouth.

To make things a little easier I cut the ears and nose piece a day ahead. Those cookies keep very well. You need to make sure and put the eyes, ears, and nose on right after you frost the cupcakes so they sick very well.

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