This Sports Ball Birthday Cake was pretty easy. Time consuming but easy. I baked 2 12″ round cakes, the Wilton soccer ball pan, and mini ball pan. I layered and iced the 12″ circles. Then placed the soccer ball on top. Iced the soccer ball, and then made the basketball and the baseball. I took two mini ball pan halves and glued them together with chocolate. Stuck them in the fridge for a bit and then skewered the baseball to the cake. I then iced the baseball.
I put some grass in between the baseball and where I was placing the basketball. Then I skewered the basketball in place and iced that. However if I were to make this again I would have iced the sides of the balls that were going to touch the soccer ball before placing them on to hide the knooks and crannies.
I’d also only do a single layer for the base because the cake was to big for the amount of people it was going to feed. It’s not what I had pictured originally but I think it looks better than my first plan. The little balls are picks I got from Scoop ‘n save. I used them to draw the mini ball lines. I used the Wilton star tip(#16), tip #3, and the large grass tip. I also used thin consistency icing so it would go faster.
This was much easier than my last cake, and my nephew absolutely loved it. He was so cute!
My son wants a basketball party, which I am going to do a sports themed party. Do you have any pictures of decorations that you guys used?