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Coolest Sports Car

My brother-in-law saved up for years to buy a Nissan 350Z. He was crazy about it, even getting a specialized license plate that said “Z Junkie”. Because I was known for my creative cakes, I was asked to do his birthday cake. I made him a sports car cake.

I baked up a 9X13 and a 10″ round. I set the round on top of the sheet cake and started carving it to get the proper shape. Once carved, I iced it with light grey buttercream. I used a biscuit cutter and cut out (from the 9X13 scraps) the four wheels. I rolled out some colored fondant for the windshield/windows and lights.

Once all was iced and smoothed, I used edible fine silver dust to give it the metallic look.

1 thought on “Coolest Sports Car”

  1. That’s awesome. I want to make my boyfriend a cake like that for his birthday next month. He’s obsessed with sport cars. Do you think it would work if I put chocolate frosting on the cake to make it a “black” car instead of grey. Or how did u get the buttercream to be grey?


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