My twin daughters and I made this cake for their sweet 16 birthday party. This was our first attempt at marshmallow fondant. We were extremely please with the result and had a blast creating this together. The top layer is a chocolate cake with buttercream icing beneath the fondant. The bottom layer was french vanilla cherry chip cake. We decorated the homemade sweet 16 cake with polka dot sugar decorations and topped it with silk daisies.
Coolest Sweet 16 Cake

Happy Sweet 16 Darlin
Love you xox
Wishing U a very Happy Birthday
Happy Birthday from all of us KKKK—-BYE
this cake looks amazing!!!!! might use it for my mums birthday coming up but i might change the royal icing to coloured buttercream, because its lighter on the cake and on the palate????? it wont be anything compared to yours though, its fabulous!!!!!! wish i could bake the same!!!! happy 16th btw!!!!! x
Awww, this is such a great looking and its home-made!! The best bakery in town couldn’t make it that great. And for whoever’s birthday cake that was HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!
i love that cake its beautiful!!! and HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!
To chloe,
Happy 16th honey and i hope you liked the car and the vesba and the horse stables and the 10 dogs and 5 puppies and the flat
From your lover Tyler
i love your cake and i can not believe you made it your self if you ever need a second career pick baking !!!! happy sweet 16
OMG, That cake is so awesome and for my Sweet 16 i would wan tyou guys to do mine because,like they are so gorgeous:)<3