Coolest Veggietales Bob Cake

My son loves Veggietales and this Veggietales Bob cake was a great way to celebrate his second birthday, along with the Larry cupcakes. I used a pumpkin/jack-o-lantern cake pan with boxed strawberry cake mix. Using the outline of the jack-o-lantern, I used white icing on the eyes first. Then I made red and green icing and applied with a star tip and icing bag.

I made the eyebrows and nose from a “pile” of icing I shaped with my finger. I used a tube of black icing with fine tip for writing to make the eyes. The cake was on a cutting board covered with press and seal paper.

It was a 3 dimensional cake that was a huge hit! This was my first attempt at a cake like this, so it’s easy enough anyone could do it!

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