I made this Very Hungry Caterpillar cake for my son’s 3rd birthday. I used various suggestions from this site which were very helpful.
I made 2 bundt cakes cut in half for the caterpillar. The head is a section from one of the halves. I ended up with extra cake which I used to make the sun.
I tinted white frosting using food coloring. I mixed up red, yellow, green, lime green and blue. Then I smeared the greens/blues together for the body to create the desired effect. I did the same for the sun.
I made the leaves and butterfly using marzipan which I painted with food coloring. I used black gum drops for the feet and flattened black gum drops for antenna. Oreo cookie crumbs make yummy dirt, and M&M’s (my son’s favorite) held on with frosting on the bottom.
He loved it! The whole party was a big hit.
Looking for Cake Ideas for my 1 and 3 yr. old’s BDAY in RI! So cool to see your design!