My little granddaughters were having a Fall Festival at their school. I saw something like this scarecrow cake years ago in a magazine and decided to help out by making and donating it for the Fall Festival Cake Walk at their school!
Scarecrow Cake Instructions
- First, I made a cake in a ridged bundt pan.
- When cool, I turned it upside down on my cake platter and frosted it with a light brownish beige icing.
- The facial features were cut from fruit roll sheets that the grandbabies eat.
- I think my scarecrow needed more hair (you can barely see it). It was also made with strips from the fruit rolls.
I couldn’t remember the exact way the magazine decorated the cake (getting old and memory is fading), but I did remember shredded wheat or ice cream waffle cone bowls. I chose the waffle bowls.
- The hat was made with one waffle bowl sitting on top of broken pieces of waffle bowl placed randomly here and there with frosting as glue to form a hat brim! Now how easy is that? And so cute. Nothing hard to do at all. You can even use caned frosting.