This frog cake was made from a regular 8-inch pan cake from cake mix. I made extra cupcakes with the rest of the batter, and used 2 of them for the eyes. I used regular vanilla frosting for the eyes, and then I took the rest of the frosting and dyed it green using green food coloring. I used black icing for the eyes using a pastry bag with a star tip, then outlined the eyes with green to make it part of the frog.
I used a red string Twizzler for the mouth. I had a star stencil and used that stencil with some green sprinkles for effect. It is an easy cake to make, and my daughter loved it!
Frog cake picture by Terry D., Owensboro, KY

This frog cake was for a man who loves his garden pond! I found a frog picture on the internet and transformed it onto the cake by tracing it onto wax paper using piping gel, then turning it over onto the cake and tracing that with buttercream icing.
I made the pond by using piping gel with a little food coloring in it. I used a writing tip and smoothed it down to fill in the frog.
Frog cake picture by Cheryl S., Cortland, OH

My friend’s daughter was turning 11 and was too big for character cakes, but loves frogs so this frog cake was created for her. I used color flo to create the frog. I found a frog picture and placed a piece of wax paper over it and traced the design.
It was simple because the design was made a week before it was needed. Instruction for using color flo is on the Wilton website or other cake baking sites.
Frog cake picture by Laurelyn W., North Salt Lake, UT

I wanted to do something fun for my son’s first birthday cake and wanted to make the whole cake a theme. So I decided to make a frog on a lily pad and the actual cake look like water.
The cake was a white 10-inch round cake. I torted the cake and put white buttercream frosting in it as well as slices of fresh strawberries. I loosely frosted the cake with blue frosting. I then piped an outline of the frog using piping gel, and went over the gel with black frosting.
I then filled in the frog with the star tip using dark green. The spots on the frog were piped with a light green. I piped the seaweed on the side of the cake and added blue tinted piping gel for bubbles. While the frog cake was baking I made all the frosting and colored it so that it was ready to go, that was a big time saver.

Frog cake picture by Micki E., Yorktown, VA

My daughter’s 3 year old birthday party was a FROG theme. The invitations asked everyone to hop on over to her party held at a warehouse filled with carnival jumping things.
As you can see from the frog cake photo, I made her cake out of a round pan and two custard cups for the eyes. I used cream cheese icing and tinted it green. I found some wax lips and used licorice for the tongue.
The kids all loved it. Then the kids went home with lots of froggy stuff in their goody bags, including froggy gummies.
Frog cake picture by Suzzanne R., Middletown, CT

This is My son’s 3rd Birthday frog cake. I used the Wilton Teddy Bear pan. My son wanted Frogs. I looked everywhere, but couldn’t find frog cake pictures nor a frog pan so I tried out the pans I already had and the Teddy Bear pan was perfect.
I baked and cooled the cake (LEAVING IN THE CENTER INSERT – I say this because the first cake I made 3 years before, I removed that and had to bake a second cake).
When the Bear cake was totally cool I baked a 9×13 rectangle cake. Let it also Cool.
While the cakes cooled I worked on the chocolates. The Lilly Pad is green Chocolate. I first took lid of a Tupperware bowl (I measured to make sure it was bigger then the bear bottom, but smaller then the rectangle). Then I took some wax paper and rolled it to the shape of a snake, bent it to the shape of the Lilly pad then tapped the outside down to the Tupperware lid.
Then I melted the Green chocolate and poured it into the lid. I let it cool, then, when almost done I used my clean fingers to gently shape the outside edge of the Lilly pad. Set aside the Lilly pad (I placed in the fridge).
Now I used a large glass cutting board for the frog cake.
I always place a few dabs of frosting on the cutting board then place the cake on top that (so the cake doesn’t move around at all). I first placed the 9×13 cake.
I made the frosting with a Wilton butter frosting recipe.
(My husband likes it made with 50% whipped cream added to the frosting; It makes a creamier, not as sugary taste). I added just enough sky blue food coloring to get the right shade.
I covered the whole cake then took a brand new wide hair comb that was washed very well and gently went across the blue frosting and then back a different way to make a wave like pattern. Then I took some extra frosting and added some leaf green food coloring. I used a leaf tip and parchment paper to add the green weeds around the 9×13 blue cake.
Then I placed the Green Chocolate Lilly Pad Upon the 9×13 frosted cake. Then I made a lighter shade of green frosting. Next, I added to the Lilly pad some green frosting to secure the Bear cake. I then placed the bear very carefully on the Lilly Pad. The left arm is a plastic rod from Jo-Ann’s. I pushed it into the body about 2 inches then, to secure it I used one wooden skewer placed in as far as I could.
I decorated the frog cake with a star tip, covered it completely adding feet on the Lilly pad where there was nothing. Where the bears ears were I made the frogs eyes. I adjusted the mouth the way I wanted by added extra frosting. I filled the rod on his left arm with a lot of frosting then decorated the outside very nice and placed three mini Balloons into the rod top so it looks as if the Frog is holding balloons.
Then I used a straight line tip and did the details in the darker shade of Green. I used the extra black from the eyes to make mini flies on the Lilly pad. They are easily made with a straight tip going up then add the wings with a leaf tip.
To finish I made a chocolate multi-colored Snake and placed him on the cutting board.
Frog cake picture by Rebecca M., NSW, Australia

I get the ideas for my cakes from whatever is in with the kids at their ages. This one was inspired for my son’s 1st birthday, we had chosen frogs to be his thing from birth, the only decent frog that was cute & respectable was ‘Freddo the Frog’.
I drew him myself using a good picture of Freddo as a guide, then used that as a template. I transferred it onto baking paper, put it onto the top of the cake which was baked in a lamington tin, cut the butter cake to the Freddo shape. I iced it with green butter icing.
I then used the template again by piping melted chocolate onto the baking paper in the shape of his facial features, which I had also transferred onto the baking paper. I waited till they were solid then placed then onto the cake. Simple as that!
Frog cake by Karen A., Lexington, KY

I had a frog themed party for one of my 4 year old little boys and he was so excited. I wasn’t sure I could make a frog cake, but I think it turned out nicely.
I made a rectangular cake and traced a frog pattern I had made on wax paper onto the cake. Note: when you go to cut out a pattern it is best to freeze your cake for about 30 minutes – the knife cuts cleaner and you won’t get crumbs in your icing.
I used kelly green icing paste for the body and used white icing to do the outline. The eyes are made of white mini doughnuts and mini Oreos.
The tongue is a fruit rollup cut and shaped to give it the 3d look. I put it in the freezer to harden. I put it on the cake right before it was served (tongue gets soft and just lays there when it gets room temperature).
Frog cake picture by Amanda S., Marietta, MS

My neice wanted a frog cake for her 3rd birthday party. I was elected to come up with it. I searched the net over and over. Then came up with this frog cake idea.
I used a regular Duncan Hines cake mix. I mixed by package directions. I sprayed a nine inch pan and a small glass bowl with baker’s joy cooking spray. I poured half the mix into the nine inch pan and baked it by the directions for two nine inch pans from the box. Then I poured the rest into the glass bowl. If you have a metal rod that goes in the middle of the wonder mold cake pan; it helps. If not you can still do it.
Bake about an hour, but be sure to check with a toothpick or something to make sure it is done all the way through before taking it out. It may take longer because it is so deep.
When the cakes are taken out of the oven, cool them on a wire rack for 20 minutes or so. Then, cut off the extras to make the cakes even.
Put the nine inch cake on cardboard cover with foil or whatever you are going to serve it on. Then, put a layer of icing on the top and around the sides of cake. Make this icing a lighter green than you want the frog. This is your lily pad. You can use a ready made icing, homemade buttercream, or whatever you chose.
After the other cake is cool and cut to be even; cut about 1/4 of it off where you want the face and belly. Put this cake on top of the nine inch cake. That makes the frog sit on the lily pad. Ice it with a darker green, except face and belly side. The belly should be white or a light yellow or maybe a lighter green than the rest of the frog.
Use fondant to make the mouth piece, eyes, and legs. I made the legs then sprayed them with the icing spray colors. For the eyes I made balls, then took a small paint brush to put the black dot with black food color. I used a small paint brush to paint it with red food color for the mouth.
When done with the pieces, I just stuck them on where I wanted them to be. And there it was. A frog cake. Everyone at the party, especially my niece absolutely loved it.
I hope this helps someone out that’s looking for a frog cake idea. It was a fun project.
Frog cake picture by Tarra M., Caldwell, ID

This frog cake was made with a single cake mix. I used a 9in circle cake pan, and an 8in square and 2 cupcakes without liners.
I cut 2 L shapes out of the square for legs and curved the tops and feet of them.
I left the circle cake rounded without leveling it and used toothpicks to attach the cupcake eyes and L shaped legs.

Frosting for the frog cake was homemade buttercream. I frosted the eyes white smooth and added smooth blue. Then with a lighter shade of green, randomly added spots with a star tip. Then I filled in the rest with a darker green all the way down the sides, added a black line for a mouth and also cut a strip of fruit roll-ups for the tongue. I made extra cupcakes that looked like lily pads and with the black icing added little flies.
Frog cake picture by Jennifer U., Gansevoort, NY

I made this frog cake for my son’s first birthday. His room has a frog theme so therefore I chose to make a frog cake.
I used a 3-D ball cake for the body. I cut a plain donut in half and attached 1 piece to the front with stick pretzels. Then I cut the other half into quarters to form the back legs. The front legs are made of cylindrical Stella D’oro cookies. (I can’t remember the exact name for them).
The eyes are Nilla wafers. The flippers are flower-shaped, lemon frosted cookies cut so that they only have three “toes” in front. The legs are just set on top of them. The whole thing is frosted green. I added a little yellow frosting on the belly and white for the eyes using a Ziploc baggy, pastry bag style.
Finally, I used Junior mints for pupils and a fruit snack streamer for a tongue. The black lines for the mouth and nostrils were made with gel icing. He has a little fly on his foot made of gel icing and a sour, gummy raspberry. Ribbit!!!
Frog cake picture by Amanda D., Forsyth, IL

This is a Peace Frog cake that I made for my best friend’s surprise birthday party! It’s hard to decide what to put on a cake made for a 32 year old, but I knew she loved these, and she loved the frog cake, too!
I just iced the sheet cake in white, and then free-handed the outline of the frog on the cake with a toothpick. I then outlined it with black stars and filled it in with green stars. This frog cake is one of the simpler cakes I have made!