My 16 yr old daughter made this diaper cake for my son and daughter in law for baby shower gift. It contains 275 newborn and size 1 disposable diapers. She wrapped pink and chocolate brown polka dot ribbon at the base of each tier then added bright pink tulle. The cake topper was a letter “A” that she painted hot pink that can be later used to hang on the wall of the nursery. It took several hours of work rolling each diaper but it was well worth the effort to see the reaction of everyone at the baby shower and it was a huge hit with the new mommy and daddy. The finished product was way to pretty to think about taking apart. We incorporated the diaper cake into a shower game to guess just how many diapers were in the cake. Everyone was shocked to find that it had 275 diapers.
Cute 5-Tier Homemade Diaper Cake

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