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Homemade Guitar Cake

I made this guitar by using a well-known Dutch package of cake mix. The cake turned out to be half vanilla and half chocolate (because there’s a little paper back of cacao included in the package). Since I’m quite new at making these kinds of ‘3D cakes’, I decided to make a double portion of cake. Today (partly because it had to cool down really well, partly because I didn’t get to baking until late last night) I melted a regular (big) bar of pure (real dark) chocolate. The melting was no problem at all; I put the chocolate pieces in a little pan and placed that inside a bigger pan which was filled with water. While the water boils (on the stove), the chocolate melts really well. To improve the texture of the choco-melt, I added a little butter and a tiny bit of water. That worked well for me. However, as you can see in the picture, getting the choco-melt to be really ‘slick’ is very hard! For a finishing touch, I used M&Ms (not the peanut kind). I think that I didn’t do such a bad job, considering it was my first :-)

Ow, I almost forgot to mention why I made this guitar-cake: it was a ‘practice’ for the ‘real deal’. I’m a volunteer at a music ‘library’. We lend music CDs, DVDs, Blue-rays (last two mainly of concerts and cabaret). As next Saturday, April 15th, is my last day as a volunteer (because I’m moving to a place nearly on the other side of the country!) I felt that baking a guitar cake would make an excellent ‘goodbye gift’!




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