My grandson Brayden loves the outdoors and animals. So this year my daughter decided to do a “down on the farm ” birthday party for his second birthday. I made his birthday cake for family and friends and also made him his own small cake! After several weeks of thinking she and I decided exactly how we were going to decorate and what we wanted the cake to look like. I made a two layer sheet cake with butter cream icing used green dye for color and also dyes coconut to make grass. i used chocolate sprinkles for the dirt in the tractor trailers and mounds, then i made ponds and streams with blue gel icing. All the farm animals and tractors were bought from Wal Mart. I had never done a farm theme cake before but found it to be sooo much fun and everyone enjoyed it. The cake itself was made from a pound cake recipe i had with almond flavoring. It was absolutely beautiful and the taste was amazing. My grandson was so happy to have his own personal cake for himself.
Country boy’s got it made! Brenda and the Clarksville Crew