This cool collection of Mickey Mouse cake ideas and designs is sure to provide you with inspiration as you set off to create the coolest Mickey Mouse cake ever. Good luck!
Coolest 3D Mickey Mouse Cake for a 2nd Birthday
Mickey Mouse cake submitted by Kirk T.
It’s been a while since I have submitted some cakes to this site. I thought I’d add a few for inspiration as I often rely on this site for ideas when my kids place their orders for their birthday cakes. I’m an Australian Dad who makes cakes for his kids. Last time I posted here, I had two sons, but now I have a daughter who recently turned 1. So I had my first taste (pardon the pun) at making a cake for a little girl this year… I’ll add that one tonight as well. It was a Care Bear cake, if anyone is interested looking that one up. Anyway, back to the Mickey Mouse cake.
My second eldest son, from an early age, fell in love with Mickey Mouse Club House. For his second birthday he requested a Mickey Mouse cake. He is now 3 years old and guess what he requested for his third birthday… Donald Duck (I’ll put that up tonight as well for anyone interested). I’m pretty sure he is growing out of the Disney theme now though. So I’m not sure what he will want for his fourth birthday.
Making the Mickey Mouse Cake
So this Mickey Mouse is just butter cake that, first of all, has been carved. Then covered with a thin layer of butter icing / frosting, then covered in rolled fondant. I’ve since started covering my cakes in chocolate ganache prior to rolling fondant as it tastes better and can be smoothed easier to give a better base for getting smooth fondant. For most of my 3D cakes I usually draw a plan, front and profile view. Being a structural engineer, that’s probably the technical side coming out, but it’s just a guide as halfway through, the creative instincts take over and I just carve it up freely.
I only make cakes for my own children and I used to pretend that I had no interest in making cakes. The truth is, I’m slowly growing to like it, but not enough that I’d want to make more than 3 cakes per year. It’s not a passion and I have no training what so ever – I’m just giving it a go. I still groan at the start of cake construction, just thinking about the process that I have to go through, but by the end I’m happy I put in the effort that I did.
Thanks for looking.
Cool Happy Mickey Mouse DIY Cake
Mickey Mouse cake submitted by Megan H.
Everyone lights up when they see Mickey Mouse!
My two-year-old nephew is a big fan so he got a Happy Mickey Mouse cake for his birthday! It was fast and easy to make!
I used an 8 in. round for the head and two 6 in. pans for his ears.
Mickey’s face was vanilla with buttercream layer and the ears were Devils Food Cake with a buttercream layer. I cut the ears to mold to the head then froze all the cakes.
A couple of days later I frosted the Happy Mickey Mouse cake with homemade classic vanilla buttercream. After layering the cakes and covering with white buttercream, I airbrushed the entire cake black…. you could just use black colored buttercream too.
Then I cut out flesh-colored Wilton Modeling Dough in the shape of Mickey’s face, I just made my own template on a sheet of paper. Then I added a puffy black modeling dough nose and 2 black jelly beans for his eyes. I then gave him a red tongue and added whites in the eyes and he was just about done.
I had a small Mickey cookie cutter and cut some red and yellow modeling dough (or you can use fondant) and placed those around his ears only so as not to detract too much from his face.
Then I wrote the birthday boy’s name and age on the ears! He was all smiles when he saw it and it tasted delicious!
1st Birthday Cake for my Daughter Who Loves Mickey Mouse
Mickey Mouse cake submitted by Amanda K.

My daughter loves Mickey Mouse so I decided I was going to make her a Mickey Mouse cake for her 1st birthday. Now, I’ve made several different 3-D layered cakes since my son was born nearly 5 years ago and I knew what I wanted to do but I wasn’t sure how I was going to make the infamous Mickey ears.
First I made a 14” x 2” yellow cake layer with butter cream (Pillsbury) frosting that I tinted with yellow food coloring to represent Mickey’s feet. The second layer is a 9” x 3” devil’s food chocolate with butter cream frosting tinted red for Mickey’s pants. This took an entire bottle of red food coloring (and then some!) and I had some pretty red fingers to show for it. I then added 2 white Necco Wafers as the buttons.
Lastly, it was time for Mickey’s head. I own the Wilton Round Cake Pan (the one typically used to make a soccer ball or basketball, etc.) so I knew that would make a great head and I would decorate with black ‘stars’ using the ‘star’ cake tip. I didn’t want to use a lot of black food coloring though so I ‘googled’ easy ways to make black frosting. Ultimately, I bought dark chocolate frosting as a base to make ‘Mickey Mouse black’. The cake was a yellow cake. I put two halves of the head together with some of the black frosting and then I decorated the entire head before starting on the ears, which I figured I’d just pop in and decorate at the end.
Now for the ears, I initially cut out round rice krispie treats and stuck them on lollipop sticks. I figured, I’d seen Food Network and their cake competitions, etc and how it seemed to work for them so I’d be good to go plus I had ‘googled’ it too. WRONG. As I’m working on the frosting on ear number two (after sticking them in the cake), the rice krispie treat melted and my ears started just misshaping. I pulled them out of the cake and had no idea what I was going to do. It was 9:30 p.m. the night before my precious daughter was going to turn 1. I couldn’t disappoint her! So my husband suggested putting Styrofoam balls on lollipop sticks (bamboo) and then just decorating those with the frosting.
It worked beautifully! I then finished off the cake with yellow piping around the bottom layer and red piping around the second layer. Everyone LOVED the Mickey Mouse cake and raved about how creative it was! And the birthday girl loved it too!

3-Tier Mickey Cake
Mickey Mouse cake submitted by Paula D.
Here it is! I called this one the uh…? Mouse with ears character cake. Ya know, didn’t want the big guys coming after me for saying it’s “Mickey Mouse.”
Almost every cake I create is fun for me. This one was fun because I was hosting a cake class for three friends the day before. I taught them how to cover a cake with fondant and for demonstration I covered the top dome tier. It was one of the first times I’ve actually insisted on someone watching me cover a cake.
This particular cake was made for the grandson of one of my colleagues. I am a realtor here in the Bronx, NY and I’m known as the cake lady of my office.
Oh! Another fun part for me was baking the domed piece. I love that I can bake cakes in pretty much any aluminum or metal containers (so far I haven’t burned my kitchen down… ha!). To get this domed top tier I greased up my usual aluminum bowl and baked cake batter right into it.
The feet were kind of tricky for me! I bought two marshmallow treats from my local bodega and cut out the shape. I made the first foot totally fine! When I went to make the second foot, I pressed down too hard while cutting and I ended up crushing the thing so I had to run to the store and get more treats, mid decorating and covered in buttercream and powdered sugar.
All in all the cake took me about 4 hours to decorate. Each tier is a chocolate vanilla layered cake with my light and fluffy vanilla buttercream in between.
Baking and decorating cakes is such a therapeutic hobby for me! I suffer from anxiety but somehow baking keeps me focused and at ease. I turn up my music and get in my zone and bake away!
Last Minute Mickey Mouse Cake
Mickey Mouse cake submitted by Beth U.
This last minute Mickey mouse cake is a 10 inch white cake frosted in homemade buttercream frosting. I made this for a friend that was doing some tile work for us.
To make the number one, all I did was print a one picture off the internet. I cut out the number one, placed it on top of my rolled out fondant and cut around it. I attached a lollipop stick to the back of it to give it support to stand up on the cake.
For the ears I just used a circle cutter & cut them out of my rolled out fondant.
This Mickey Mouse cake was extremely quick and easy to make and he was very happy with it.
Water Color Mickey Mouse Cake
Mickey Mouse cake submitted by Juanita b.
I wanted to make an original Mickey cake but I wanted it to look like a piece of art at the same time. So I baked the cake, cut it out and used a piping bag to decorate it, but then I used the tip of a spoon to make it look like a water color painting.
It was lots of fun and everyone loved it.
Cute Mickey Mouse Birthday Cake
Mickey Mouse cake submitted by Beth U.
For this Mickey Mouse birthday cake I used 12″ and 10″ round white cakes and Mickey’s hat is a chocolate cake made in a half a wilton sports ball pan , buttercream frosting covered in homemade marshmallow fondant. Everything is 100% edible. I made this for my Grandsons 3rd birthday. He wanted a Mickey Mouse cake and the smile on his face was worth the effort. He loved his Mickey Mouse birthday cake !
Mickey Mouse and Friends Cake
Mickey Mouse cake submitted by Marielos C.
Over this past summer, I made this Mickey Mouse and friends cake for a school teacher along with 3 dozen cake pops to match. This was the teacher’s favorite character and I just wanted to “WOW” her!
A side note… I know many fondant haters. They hate the texture, the look, the smell and everything in between. I happen to love working with fondant because I can achieve better results. You may choose to do this cake with black butter cream instead of black fondant, it’s all up to you!
First off, I purchased the clubhouse ears and Disney characters from the Disney store. I did not have any luck finding them at any toy stores and would like to spare you the hassle of looking for them. If you had luck finding them, great!
I made a 6″ round chocolate cake with cream cheese frosting and filling. After cooling it slightly, I covered it entirely in black fondant. I purchased a 11/2″ red satin ribbon and wrapped it all around the cake. Next I attached 2 yellow candy melts in the front of the ribbon with a small dollop of frosting. I then placed the toys on top and around the cake. To secure the toys I piped green “grass” frosting all around them.
Happy Baking! “Where glam meets gourmet”
Fun Mickey Mouse Cake
Mickey Mouse cake submitted by Rachel P.
I had made an Elmo cake for a friend and was then asked to make another one, a week before I was asked if I could do a Mickey Mouse instead! Panic stations, lots of sad looking Mickeys later and this was the end result.
This a double layered vanilla cake, filled with chocolate butter-cream. Mickey is fondant with added CMC powder to help him harden. The balloons are fondant hand rolled with a small circle and pushed onto a skewer. I left these to dry for around three days prior to making the cake. The circles were made with a small fondant punch, helps keeps the consistency of the circles.
I loved the simple colors of this cake. Mickey’s mouth was the hardest, it is so hard to make a cartoon character look like the actual thing.
Mickey Mouse Birthday Cake
Mickey Mouse cake submitted by Susie L.
It was my grandson’s first birthday and my son asked me to make his cake. I thought, “no problem”. I knew my little buddy likes Mickey Mouse, so expected that would be the theme. What I didn’t expect was a request for a three tier birthday cake of Mickey’s Club House AND and smaller smash cake. As it turned out, the smash cake was the biggest challenge-but mainly because my son is as much of a perfectionist as I am.
He fist set me some pictures. I diligently worked to make sure the smash cake looked just like a combination of the pictures I was given. Once I thought I had the cake near perfect, I texted a picture to my son. Moments later the response: “Can we tweak this a little?”
What needed to be tweaked? It looked just like the pictures you sent. This was followed by about half a dozen other pictures, all different, and an offer to photoshop over the cake I had finished to show me what needed to be changed. Well, I did what I could without starting all over. The cake was a “smash”. And the three-tier clubhouse? Well, I made that and didn’t send an advance picture for critique. They got what they got and everyone loved it.
Easy Mickey Mouse Birthday Cake
I made this Mickey Mouse Birthday Cake using a 6″ round pan for the ears, a 12″ cake pan for the face. For the ears I used chocolate icing, then covered them in crushed Oreos. I used black licorice for outlining the eyes, mouth, and rolled it out to fill in the eyes and nose.
Simple Mickey Mouse Cake
Mickey Mouse cake submitted by Amy L.
This Mickey Mouse Birthday Cake Design was made with a 10 inch pan for the big circle and 6 inch pans for the ears. I frosted the cakes with buttercream then used modeling chocolate and fondant to cover. The black is the premade buttercream fondant from Michael’s marketed under Duff Goldman. This is the best tasting fondant I have ever tasted – but you pay a pretty penny for it.
The red is modeling chocolate that I made with one package of Wilton candy melts and 1/3 cup corn syrup. I will never buy fondant again, because the modeling chocolate tasted better and was easy to work with as well. The pant buttons are white fondant.
I borrowed the idea for this cake by combining some of the ideas I found on here. This was my first experience using modeling chocolate and fondant and I was pleasantly surprised on how easy it was – thanks for giving me the courage!
For even more Mickey Mouse cake ideas check out our main Mickey Mouse cakes section…
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