This Baby Einstein cake, a caterpillar, was made for my son’s 1st birthday. It was an easy decision since he was a huge fan of the Baby Einstein videos and would get all excited when the caterpillar would cross the screen. There were also plenty of available party supplies. We only used the plates with all the characters from the DVDs and the rest of the supplies were solid color coordinates.
Warning: This cake is very large. The base of the cake is a 12″ x 18″ pan. Each of the caterpillar parts is a Wilton mini-ball pan cake. The large cake takes 15 1/2 cups of cake batter (~3 cake mixes). The mini-balls each take 1/3 cup. I made a large marble cake but only used 13 1/2 cups of batter and used the remaining 2 cups to make 3 chocolate and 3 yellow mini-ball cakes (5 for the caterpillar and 1 for my son to eat).
The rest of the design is basically normal cake decorating. The face of the caterpillar was taken from a Baby Einstein rattle which is similar to the face on the plates/invitations (the DVD caterpillar is much different in appearance). All the icing was butter cream made with almond extract – I prefer the taste.
Because of the large size of the Baby Einstein cake all the decorating was done with larger tips. All of the mini-ball cakes are starred with #21 the exception of the ball shaped feet which I used a #2A. In the picture you can’t see it but there is also a golden yellow tail which was made using #2A as well. The only non-edible decoration is the antenna which is red pipe cleaners. The remaining colored icing was used to write the message in an Einstein-ish fashion using #7.
More Baby Einstein Cake Ideas
Cake by Kayla M., Meridian, MS

I got the idea for this Baby Einstein cake from the second picture sent in from Monica R. from Walland TN. I used 6 inch cake pans for the body of the caterpillar and cupcakes for the feet tail and antenna.
I took 4 tubs of white icing and 3 boxes of cake. I ended up buying 1 box of yellow cake mix, 1 box of chocolate and 1 box of strawberry. I used the yellow cake mix for the head feet, tail and antenna. I then alternated the chocolate and the strawberry cake mix for the body.
I precolored the icing in separate containers before starting on the cake. I also bought a foam board to place the cake on. I traced the pan to make the caterpillar body onto the board and then laid parchment paper on top. After icing and placing all the pieces on the board I drew the eyes and mouth with writing icing you can buy in a tube (you can find this over in the cake decorating isle). I also used the writing icing to spell out happy birthday.
I then decorated the board with Baby Einstein stickers. I also took some left over white icing and thinly spread it on the blank spaces of the board and then shook sprinkles on it for decoration (the icing helped the sprinkles to stick). This baby Einstein cake does take awhile to make but all the compliments you get make it worth while. Plus you have 3 different flavors of cake to choose from!
Cake by Melody R., Decatur, GA

Using Wilton’s Ball pan I baked 5 ball halves, let cool and leveled each one by cutting off excess cake horizontally (from the “bottom” of the body section). I traced the caterpillar shape onto cardboard using the cake pan so I would know how long the board needed to be.
Then I cut the edges of the cardboard and covered with foil. I arranged each section onto the board. I piped colored icing on the Baby Einstein cake using a star tip and drew the face using black “gel” icing. The cake will feed approximately 25 people.

Cake by Stephanie H., Viroqua, WI

I made this baby Einstein cake for my daughter’s 1st birthday. I made six 9″ round cakes and about 2 dozen cupcakes. I took a diaper box and covered it with waxed paper so that it wouldn’t stick and that would be big enough to hold the caterpillar.
I took the cakes and alternated them so it looked like he was crawling using the cupcakes for “feet”. I used Wilton icing that is found in the Wal-Mart craft section along with the colored gel. I have had a lot of luck with those gels and wouldn’t use anything else.
I used Licorice for the eyes, mouth and cheeks.
Cake by Jackie G., Albuquerque, NM

When my daughter was about 10 months I began to look for ideas for her first birthday party. I saw a Baby Einstein Caterpillar cake and fell in love with it!
I began the preparation for my baby Einstein cake by baking 5 different cakes in the Wilton Sports Ball Pan because I wanted to make the cake 3-D. I used cake mixes in different flavors (2 white German chocolate, triple chocolate and strawberry).

After the cakes cooled I put the two halves of each ball together using different fillings such as vanilla and chocolate puddings, strawberries, bananas and German chocolate frosting. Then I frosted each ball in homemade butter cream frosting which I colored using the Wilton concentrated color paste. I used yellow blue violet no-taste red and Kelly green.
For the assembly I taped two cake boards together and then covered the boards with waxed paper. I placed the balls in the center of the boards and then surrounded the caterpillar with coconut which was tinted green using the Kelly green color paste.
For the feet and tail I cut Twinkies in half and put them next to the caterpillar’s body. For the antennas I used 2 cherry sour candies and just attached them to 2 white lollipop sticks which I had colored using the no-taste red color paste.
The eyes, cheeks, mouth and the “Happy Birthday” writing was done using different colors of gel frosting from Cake mate.
I was excited with the results of my baby Einstein cake and of course my little girl loved it too!
Cake by Kimberly L., Saskatoon, Canada

This is a perfect first birthday cake, a baby Einstein cake. I used the small circle pan that you would use for the top layer of a wedding cake, two cups of batter per pan baked for 28 minutes. I also made six cupcakes. It was about three cake mixes to make. Let them cool off over night. Make sure that they are on a wire rack leaving top puffy side up.
I used butter icing for everything but eyes and mouth. I used icing gel for those. It gave it a great real feel to him. After you sing happy birthday you can push off one of the little cakes for baby to eat and everyone else gets to eat cake with no finger makers in it.

I was looking for a fast and easy way to recreate the Baby Einstein cake for my niece’s second birthday party. I like to fold whipped topping into my frosting (the richness of the pure frosting is neutralized but the mixture is still somewhat stiff for piping).
To make the caterpillar I used vanilla frosting. I decided on sprinkles instead of food coloring and as you can see unsuccessfully tried to create purple by mixing red and blue sprinkles. Next time I’ll just buy purple sprinkles.
For the eyes and mouth I used black licorice (two rectangular shaped pieces trimmed at the corners so they looked oval and a long piece cut on the horizontal for the mouth). I used pull apart cherry licorice strings and made spirals for the cheeks then tied knots at the end. I used two doubled up licorice stings for the antennas.
The feet and the tail are lemon drops. I went with chocolate cake but obviously you can go with whatever flavor you like. It was a hit. The perfect serving size for everyone and my little niece had her own little baby Einstein cake to devour.
Cake by K. Manning, Minneapolis, MN

My little guy loves Baby Einstein videos so I knew it would be the theme for his first birthday. I thought the caterpillar would be the easiest character to make into a Baby Einstein cake using the Wilton Dome pan (4 to a pan). I used two boxes of cake mix and for 8 domes (one was used for his personal ‘smash’ cake).
I frosted each dome with a different color of icing placing little beads of frosting around the bottoms to make them look a little more finished and placed them in a “wave” formation for the body. The head I made sure was yellow and I piped black colored icing for the eyes and mouth.
For the antennae I stuck two toothpicks into the top to help hold up two broken pieces of Twizzlers. When you break the Twizzlers in half you get a nice little hole in the center to stick two red dum-dum suckers for the balls on the antennae.
Cake by K. Lemon, Pittsburgh, PA

My son’s first birthday was a Baby Einstein themed party. He loved watching the videos and every time the caterpillar came on the screen he would get so excited. I looked for a caterpillar Baby Einstein cake on the internet and I was inspired by three cakes submitted on this website.
I asked a woman who made my wedding cake to make the cake for me. She used half dome cake pans so that the cake would have dimension. She decorated them with very bold colored icing. The cakes alternated chocolate/vanilla so everyone could have the flavor of cake they liked. She made an extra caterpillar “head” for my son’s smash cake and used red licorice for the antennae.

The Baby Einstein cake was a huge success and I applauded the person who originally came up with this idea.
Cake by Tonya S., Cincinnati, OH

My daughter was obsessed with Baby Einstein and so I wanted her to have a Baby Einstein cake. I searched the internet and found this site. My brother followed the instructions from the #2 cake already submitted here by Heather W. from TX.
As a bonus he used the leftover batter and made 5 cupcakes to make my daughter her own little caterpillar SMASH cake. It was ADORABLE!!!
This Baby Einstein cake was a hit. It is very time consuming but SO worth it:) Thanks Heather!

Cake by Kimber S., Carlsbad, CA

I wanted to make my son a Baby Einstein cake for his 1st birthday since he loves Baby Einstein so much. I found this site and the first design was my inspiration! I loved the 3 Dimensional look so I decided to take on the challenge.
I bought 6 boxes of cake mix and the Wilton Sports Ball pan. Thankfully I started the baking the night before because it took about 5 hours to do all of the baking alone. With the sports Ball pan you get 2 halves per box of cake mix. I made ten 1/2’s and 7 cupcakes to achieve the design.
I got a 3×3 board and covered it with foil. I took 8 half’s and frosted them together to make 4 balls and stuck skewers in them to keep them in form. Then I took the last two halves and stuck them together with frosting and put a wooden dowel through it.
I placed this ball on the top of the front ball. Then I placed the cupcakes as the tail and feet of the caterpillar. I colored the frosting with Wilton Red, Royal Blue, Leaf Green, Golden Yellow, and Violet. I used the #21 tip for the frosting since I felt the #16 would take too much longer.
I made the frosting (which was the perfect amount!) with 6 boxes of powered sugar, 3 packages of cream cheese and 1-1/2 packages of real butter along with 3 tablespoons of vanilla. Slowly blend in the powered sugar. Refrigerate before using to get the design.
Everyone loved the Baby Einstein cake and frosting! The colors were perfect and the cake was life-size!

I got this Baby Einstein cake idea from this website so I thought I’d share my finished product. I wanted to find a cake idea for my son’s 1st birthday and this was perfect.
The Baby Einstein videos are a lifesaver in my home and he LOVES them, so it was only natural to have a Baby Einstein birthday party.
I used the Wilton Sports Ball cake pan to make the cake domes. I ended up using 3 different cake mixes that made 6 domes and reserving one dome for the baby’s smash cake (that’s the rainbow cake with the candle on it). I used a #21 star tip to put the colored icing on the individual cakes and then put them together on a long piece of cardboard covered in foil.
When it came to the caterpillar’s face I wanted it to look as much like the Einstein caterpillar as I could. I used Wilton’s write-on gel in black to do the eyes and mouth and then added pink sprinkles for perfectly rosy cheeks. I then added the red pipe cleaners for the antennae and little white tacks (it was the only thing I could find for the sparkle in the eyes. Don’t worry; I was sure to take those out before serving the Baby Einstein cake!).
All the kids just loved the cake and, all in all, a huge success! However, this morning I realized that I had forgotten to add feet and the tail to the caterpillar but no one noticed so that was fine. It still looked completed.