I made this cake using one of my homemade cake recipes for my husband’s birthday. It is a large round cake pan, using three white cake mixes. It is completely covered in satin ice which is a lot like fondant (but I think it tastes better). I used one of his Copenhagen cans as a guide and just went to town!

More Original Cakes
Cake by Amanda A., Crosby, TX

This cake was a fun one! Two of my children celebrate December birthdays and so do my Mother and I. My daughter turned 11 on Christmas Day! I wanted to do something special to celebrate all the events in December in our family so I decided to make a December Calendar. There are three white cake mixes, easier than one of my homemade cake recipes and Wiltons Icing mixes for the icing.
The hardest part was writing all the numbers so small. I used some sort of icing writing pen for that. The signs were all done on the computer of course! On the 25th I had a sign for my daughter’s birthday and one for Jesus too. This cake was a huge hit at our Christmas Eve Celebration and I even got all 60 people in the family to sing Happy Birthday. I thank my husband for his hard work helping me get those lines all straight!
Cake by Brandy S.,, Fairmount, IN

Our fifth child and second son, Isaiah, is all boy. He loves to carry sticks, play in the dirt, and pretty much do anything he can with rocks: carry, throw, and of course eat them! I looked on line for a “rock” cake and came up with nothing. So I got this idea to use one of my homemade cake recipes and try to make one myself., , Our family has always enjoyed the two types of cake option, so I always try to use white cake and chocolate cake. I used two 9×13 pans. The chocolate being the ground (raked with a fork). I stacked about four pieces of white cake on top, very random, to achieve the jagged look. I then began to ice the cake with white icing. Since this was a last minute thing and I didn’t have anything to make grey I panicked and went to the local grocery and found black gel icing – it worked! We shaded the white icing with the black, added some blades of grass and broken pretzels (for sticks) and completed the cake with our birthday message: Isaiah you rock!, , This was quite simple, a lot of fun and everyone raved at the results. Isaiah enjoyed eating his rock and dirt and we actually encouraged it!
Cake by Ginny C., Estell Manor, NJ

I made this cake for two co-workers birthdays. One practically lives at Wal-Mart; the other is a Coors drinker. I used one of my homemade cake recipes for the 9×13 double layer sheet cake. It is sculpted and frosted in blueberry buttercream and covered in Satin Ice. The scraps I cut from the top and sides made the humps on the top of the bag so it looked like there was stuff in it. I just added party stuff at the top. They loved it.
Cake by Veronica R., Olive Branch, MS

My son is four and wanted a Godzilla Birthday Party. As you know that does not just come prepackaged. I’ve used this site in the past to assist me with homemade cake recipes and ideas but this one I had to come up with on my own.
I took my turkey roasting pan and three boxes of red velvet cake mix. After the cake was done we cut the sides to show the curve of the foot and then we cut the toe shape on the end. We took Forrest Green and Brown dye to get the color for the icing and cut the toenails out of black fondant.
My son and all of the guest were excited about the final results.
Cake by Valerie G., L’Epiphanie,

My mom loves Russian dolls: she has many in the house. I checked out some easy homemade cake recipes and I used the 3D Winnie cake mold. I cut some pieces to give it the shape of a Russian doll. I covered it with white rolled fondant and painted the entire doll with food colorant and a thin paint brush.
A lot of working hours but what a result!

For lack of a better idea for my son’s 10th birthday I came up with a “Timeline” cake. It was a very long cake, each 10th of it with decorations reminiscent of each of his previous birthdays: first-dogs, second-baseball, third-carousel, fourth-fireman, fifth-fishing, sixth-airplane, seven-rockets, eighth-science, nineth-“camo” bike-ride, and 10th-his “Golden Birthday” as he turned 10 on the 10th of May.
I made three different cakes, all homemade cake recipes (Amaretto Pound Cake, Chocolate Cake (though Chocolate Pound Cake would’ve worked better) and Sprite Pound Cake) each in a jellyroll pan.
I then cut each in half, layered them and placed them end-to-end on a long gold foil-covered strip of cardboard. The entire cake length was 50 inches so with the tape measure beside the cake it was easy to measure 5 inches per section that represented each year.
I used Amaretto Buttercream frosting for most of the cake-both for filling between the layers and for the decorated top, “Dirt” for the baseball diamond and the bike path. The camouflage frosting was Sucanat, an unprocessed sugar with a nice dark color and that doesn’t stick together like brown sugar.
Play Mobil toys work great as easy and appealing cake decor. The fishing guy is pulling his catch from a blue Jell-O pond. I used rolled Buttercream frosting sprinkled with “Gold Luster Dust” to create the gold bar of the 10th birthday section. The narrow flat end of a spoon handle worked great to “emboss” the gold though I know there are special kits for embossing rolled frostings and fondants.
My son’s name begins with a K so I thought the “10K” was kind of clever. All the kids thought the cake was cool but the really special part was when they started pointing out the birthdays they had celebrated with us. The cake was a fun way to celebrate and remember his first decade of life.
Cake by Paige G., Dunwoody, GA

For this birthday cake I just used a regular rectangle cake pan for the bottom. I covered it with dyed coconut shavings. For the umbrella I used a dome shaped Pyrex bowl that I cut it half. I used fake flowers, however if you are good enough you could always use icing with your own homemade cake recipes! For the handle I used a plastic coat hanger and tied a bow around it.