I baked a sheet cake and a dozen cupcakes using homemade cake recipes. I made the little snowboarders out of different colors of fondant. They each had a toothpick sticking up through them. They turned out really cute! The cake was frosted white and I cut the cupcakes in half and placed them on the cake to make mounds and hills for the snowboards to slide down. Frosted the whole cake white like snow and placed the snowboards so they looked like they were having fun! I used some little plastic trees. I put some frosting on the trees too! When it was all done I sprinkled the cake with edible glitter for a wintry snowy sparkle!

Another Skiing Cake
Cake by Emily P., Doylestown, PA

I used the Wilton ball pan to make a mountain and then frosted over it and covered it with coconut. Then I used buttercream to make the skier and the trees.
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