This awesome collection of Princess Castle cake ideas and designs, all made by DIYers is sure to provide you with inspiration as you set off to create the coolest Princess Castle cakes. Good luck!
Grace’s Castle Birthday Cake with Friends
Princess Castle cake submitted by Cristina L.
This castle birthday cake was from the heart. It’s for a little girl whose parents waited a long time for her. They spent years trying to have a baby and nothing seemed to work. They ended up having to get a surrogate and the surrogate almost died after birth. It was a long and difficult road but baby Grace is a beautiful, healthy little girl and her surrogate mom is fine these days. What a beautiful gift.
Her mom told me to not do anything complicated. I wanted to make her something of a little castle since she was a princess for me. I was dying to include elements that I had seen elsewhere including the cobblestone and heart doors and I had wanted to make the trees really cute.
Everything was edible and I wanted her to be able to keep the topper. So the figures sit on a 6” disk that we picked off after the party. All the figures on top are gum paste. The little girl looks like Grace and an outfit she has. The rabbit and bear and Grace are all hand-made and so is the tea set and cake. The marks on the door were made with a knife. I since have an impression mat but I liked the effect. The trees were also gum paste except for the lollipop stick.
The texture on the castle and the cake base was made using a sponge. The rocks were all hand-made as well. It came together beautifully and I realized that I love making the free cakes for people I love. I put in all my effort and time and never had an issue with it. I wish I had more time to make it more beautiful but I know they loved it. It was ultimately a surprise and I was thrilled that they loved it and that today we have a beautiful Grace.
First Princess Castle Cake
Princess Castle cake submitted by Molly S.

This is the first castle cake that I have ever made and really the first big cake I have ever done without my mother’s help. So I baked one, (I think it was a 10 inch) for the bottom and 2 (8 inch) square cakes. I off set the top three to give it a patio ledge and then I cut the very top into a triangle and pasted them on top of each other icing between each layer to hold them in place.
Then I iced the cake with pink icing, first with a thin layer to help keep the crumbs off the final layer then I did the final layer. Then I used a fork to make lines to make it look like brick. I added three ice cream cones upside down with icing up to the line to hold them in place. I placed icing on the tops for Hershey Kisses to make the pointed castle tips. Next I used pink edible Easter grass to make a fence around the back and marshmallows around the front. I made Blue Jello to add around the base for a moat, with green icing to hold it in place.
Next I used a gram cracker to make a draw bridge and place small magic-clip Disney princesses on the cake. I used the play set that came with the new magic clip Frozen Anna set for the front entrance and the balcony off the side. The hardest part was figuring out how to put what was in my head on to the cake it didn’t turn out how I had pictured it but it was for a birthday party at Chuck e Cheeses. I was scared people were going to think it was horrible as I had to finish it in the back on the suv when we got there since I was running late, but I was surprised at how everyone thought it was so awesome and special the 5 year old that it was for.
People asked to take pictures and it took a total 13 hours for me to make both the cakes. I had to do the other one which is pictured also, was finished at 4:30am and it was for her brother for his birthday. It wasn’t hard, it was just cake iced with Hershey bars around it. But the princess cake was the one that I created for a very special little girl that just wants to be a princess. It made me smile to watch her looking at it with the biggest smile. Made my tired self feel like my lack of sleep meant the world to her.
Even with the frustration I had with it that my husband helped me with by fixing the line. I was having trouble with it, all went away with a that awesome smile. So I had to share the cake to see what others thought of it.

Coolest Castle Kingdom Cake
Princess Castle cake submitted by Thelma F.

My first step was to make a 12 in and a 8 in round 3 in deep cakes. Let them cool on cooling racks and once they where cooled I split each cake and filled with butter cream frosting then crumb coated and covered each with white fondant.
I then stacked the 8 in on top of the 12in and made sure it was center off. I then placed the stacked cakes on top of a 16in cake separator; piped vines and leaves running up the sides of the cake and the back to the top of the castle cake and then placed small butter cream roses and half roses at different parts of the vines. I then took my Wilton castle pieces and decorated the top of the cone pieces with butter cream and rolled in colored sugar.
Before placing them on the towers I decorated each one of them with icing and small candy sprinkles and placed each one on and beside the cakes. Then I placed my grass all around the bottom of the separator and cakes. Before adding the tower pieces I made sure my cake was setting where I needed it on the table before the party so I would not have to move it again with all the pieces. I then added my door and top piece, decorated them and added my window pieces.
I had made 8 small doll mold cakes earlier and designed each with their own ball gowns and placed my granddaughter’s favorite princess dolls in each one. Then I placed each one around the cakes as if they where dancing around it. I then placed on top her birthday candles and a happy birthday sign. We had her party at a fast food place and must say that not only were the kids excited when they saw it, the customers were in “aww” of it and wanted to know where we had it made but was surprised to find that I had made it myself for her and I’m not a professional.
Cute Pink Castle Cake
Princess Castle cake submitted by Danielle M.

This castle cake was for a 4 year old little girl whose favorite color is pink and believes she is a princess.
I made a 12×12 square cake, a 10″ round cake and a 6″ round cake. I made the icing using powdered sugar, 1 stick of butter, 1 tsp of vanilla and milk to make creamy. Save some of this for making white flowers. Color the icing with pink food coloring. Place the square cake on the cake board and icing it, then place the larger round cake on top and icing it and finally place small round cake on top an icing it.
For the towers I used toilet paper rolls and ice cream cones. Icing the toilet paper rolls with the icing as well as the cones. Roll the cones in pink sprinkles. Place the rolls at each corner of the square cake then place the cones on top of the rolls. Place a cone with icing and sprinkles on top of small round cake. I then took the white icing and made a ring around the cone on the small cake. I dyed some icing green and made vines going up the walls of the castle with white flowers on the tips of the vines.
For the windows, doors and bridge I used chocolate Graham crackers. Cut the crackers for the windows and place one on each tower.The door is a half of the cracker and the bridge is a whole cracker. I braided white yarn for the chains of the bridge. The grass is coconut shavings colored green and the water is blue gel. I bought wands with stars on top and place them on the cake.
This cake wasn’t hard it just took about 2 hours to complete after the cakes were made. Icing the rolls and cones were challenging because I think I got more icing on me. The little princess loved the cake as well as all of her party guess. She didn’t want to cut the cake but they did.
Princess Castle Cake
Princess Castle cake submitted by Colleen B.
The towers of the princess castle cake are made from emply paper towel cardboard, covered in fondant. The top is made using an ice cream cone covered in fondant and using an impression mat for the cobblestone look. They were glued together using melted candy melts.
I made the cake using 2 11 x 13 cakes cutting into one two layer 9 inch cake and a 5 inch that sat on top. The windows were the hardest part figuring out how to make the grids to look thin and even. The scalloped edge was made from fondant and a cutter mold. The flowers were made from a mold from Wilton and fondant. The ivy was butter cream and a tip 2 or 3.
The 4 year old birthday princess was thrilled and loved her whimsical cake.
Homemade Castle Cake for a Princess
Princess Castle cake submitted by Tori B.
This was made for a friend’s granddaughter for her 4th birthday. I had an absolute blast with this cake! It was a little challenging but so worth it. I made a cream cheese icing with food coloring added. The cakes are chocolate and marble layers. The towers are regular colored ice cream cones and sugar cones. The regular cones are frosted and the sugar cones are iced and rolled in sprinkles.
I recommend freezing the coated sugar cones until the day of the occasion if possible. They just look better and are easy to work with! Everything is edible with the exception of the princess and flags. I used cake pop sticks in the middle for support. They worked well and they are easy to cut or break off to fit the cake. I left 2 long sticks on the back of the top cake to put the cones on and provide stability.
This cake took a couple days to make including baking time. I suggest getting it all done the day before the occasion in case something goes wrong. It will not hurt the cake or taste.
DIY Princess Castle Birthday Cake
Princess Castle cake submitted by Liz M.
A cake fit for a 4 year old princess my friend said….mmm where do I start? OK, I loved making this princess castle birthday cake, although when it was finished it was HUGE, well bigger than I anticipated! I covered it in butter cream I had colored with pink food gel, and I’m no professional but from scrolling the net a lot of people mentioned using cones for the towers, so I used ice cream cones for the top coated in pink edible sugar glimmer and ice cream cups for the sides one upside down and the other on top, then coated these in the butter cream.
The fun part was making it come alive…..adding the windows, door, flowers and leaves over the walls. I made the princess out of fondant, this was a bit tricky as I have never made a figure before, improvement needed but it was OK for my first attempt. Overall I was pleased with the finished cake but practice makes perfect so I’m going to keep trying!
Perfect Castle Cake
Princess Castle cake submitted by Brandie B.

I ordered the castle cake kit from Wilton online, I’ve never made a castle cake before so I went the easy route! lol, although it didn’t end up being very easy! The towers kept tipping over. I used royal icing to hold them down but they would still lean, and my two year old kept taking the tops off and eating the frosting off!
It took me 2 days to make this cake! I baked 2 round cakes, 8 inch and a 6 inch. Covered them with fondant then using the kit from Wilton I started stacking them on and around. Use royal frosting, it hardens and helps hold it. I used the royal frosting for the decorations. Also the party was in the middle of summer and outside so I didn’t want the cake to melt! My hand cramped so bad by the time I was done and hurt for a couple days afterwards. You wouldn’t think a castle cake would be too hard, which it wasn’t but it still was a lot of work and took a lot of time! Well took a lot of time because of my two year old! lol.
Castle Birthday Cake
Princess Castle cake submitted by Sophia F.

The baking part took forever! It’s 6 – 12x 18 sheets in the middle with a 10 inch square on top of that. The entrance is 2 loaf cakes stacked. The 4-towers are 5-6in rounds stacked. The blue roof is fondant covered rice crispy treats. The top of the towers are ice cream cones covered in fondant.
The front is rice crispy treats covered in fondant with all the fondant accents. The fence is what I’m most proud of its shaped with rice crispy treats covered with fondant and butter cream vines. The look on my niece’s face when she saw it was priceless, so was her dad’s face because he’s the one that insisted on getting that made.
Pretty Princess Castle Cake
Princess Castle cake submitted by Melissa D.
The princess castle cake is baked in a hexagon pan and is three layers tall. This is decorated and then the “towers” are added. This being the first castle cake I ever made, the towers are paper towel tubes wrapped in wax paper to keep the icing from softening the cardboard. The roofs are sugar cones decorated in icing. This worked fine but wouldn’t recommend traveling with it.
On my second castle cake the towers were regular cones open ends apart and dipped in melted colored white chocolate. The roofs were sugar cones dipped in melted colored white chocolate and then rolled in colored sugar. This traveled really well because the towers could travel laying down and I didn’t have to worry about messing up the icing when placing them. I finished decorating with pastel candies and paper flags on toothpicks. If you are using flags I recommend making a small hole in the cone prior to decorating it.
Awesome Castle Cake
My niece is a huge Disney Princess fan. For her 4th birthday, I wanted to make her a Princess castle cake. I came across when searching for ideas. After looking at tons of photos, I decided to purchase the Wilton Castle Kit. I had a GREAT time with all the royal icing detail work!
From start to finish it took two days of non-stop work. I ended up having to modify the construction in order to accommodate the size cakes we needed to feed all the guests. The princess figurines were from my nieces collection and added a little more dimension. My niece was one happy birthday girl and the envy of all her little friends!
Amazing Princess Castle Cake
Princess Castle cake submitted by CC
My niece loves everything to do with princesses. She wanted a princess castle cake, so my daughter said she would make the cake. This was going to be her gift to Aubree.
She started baking cakes, buying fondant, and doing everything else she needed to do. When it came to the decorating she got so nervous because this was her first castle cake. She started early that day but was up half the night. In the end she made a beautiful cake. She went to the party and put the cake in her car to deliver it because she wanted to make sure it got there in one piece.
When she entered the party with the cake, Aubree was so excited that she got a princes castle cake. Everyone commented on what a good job she had done on the cake and how good it tasted. The cake was covered in buttercream frosting with some fondant and decorated with all the trimmings. The only thing that was not edible was the points on the cake. They were plastic and covered with blue fondant. Most of the rest of the cake was edible.
The look on Aubree’s face when she saw her cake was priceless. Purchasing a cake like this would clearly be over $100 dollars. It was so pretty that they hated to cut into it. They all asked her how she made it.
Whenever I see people looking for someone to make a homemade cake, I share a picture of this cake and it gets so many compliments.
I have to admit this is one of my favorite cakes that my daughter has made and she has made a few since this cake already. She sometimes makes four cakes a month just for friends and family. I think you will agree this cake is awesome.
For even more Princess Castle cake ideas check out our main Princess Castle cake section…