I asked my friend Shaun what cake he wanted for his birthday and he decided he wanted a drill cake. Not just any kind of drill a cake of his drill he calls Colin. He sent me a picture of it and I found one on a website for specialty cakes which I printed out and used as the guide.
My friend Becca drew the outline of the cake onto some paper to use as a template. We cut the cake out and after a couple of minutes of jigsaw type activity we had made the shape. Next we piped black onto the cake to mark the outlines of the black areas which I then filled in with icing whilst Becca did the green areas. We used grey icing for the top of the drill. The drill bit was a round wafer we sprayed with Pearle scent spray to make it silver. Instead of putting the drill make on the cake we iced Shaun onto sugar paper and stuck it on the cake. We iced a red power button on and we were finished!
More Specialty Cakes
Cake by Angie L., Hamilton, OH
I made this cake for my dad’s birthday. He is Mr. Fix-It. The tools were made from candy melts in tool molds. The cake is two 8″ square cakes set side by side and covered in fondant. The fondant is then airbrushed black. I colored strips of fondant brown to lay around the outside for additional dimension to the toolbox. I used silver luster dust to add shine to the tools.
This cake was one of my specialty cakes which I make for special people only!
Cake by Michelle K., Ambler, PA
This cake was for my father in law. The wood part is all cake and the saw is gumpaste. It’s a very easy cake to make.
Cake by Bruno C., Niagra Falls, Ontario, Canada
The entire box and tools are edible (except the paper drawing, toolbox & hammer handle and tape measure “tape” & label). The instructions for such cake ideas are too extensive due to the many tool cakes created. (I will gladly submit instructions and template drawings if I win!!!)
- Toolbox: cut from cake slab
- Toolbox handle: paper towel holder dowel
- Hammer Head: cut from cake slab
- Hammer handle: cardboard dowel with melted caramel as grip
- Wrench: cut from cake slab, with spiral pasta noodle to represent adjusting thread
- Tape Measure: cut from cake slab
- Tape measure “tape: paper created from AutoCAD software (what you do not see are the tape markings on the tape, exact size as real tape measure)
- Tape measure label: created on CAD, printed on the printer, glued to wax paper prior to setting into place on the cake
- Level (in toolbox): created from slab of cake
- Nails (in tool box): created from pretzels with candy top to represent nail head
- Wood shavings: melted caramel
- Blueprint Drawing (in toolbox): drawn up on my AutoCAD software
- Business Name Plate: Thin wood from tangarine crates, hand-painted words and screw heads
This cake took approx. 6 hours to create (not including designing the templates, baking the cake, and freezing the cakes). With all of my 3D cake ideas, I try to make the cakes as realistic as possible. I even take time off from work to create these specialty cakes. Talk about dedication!