Coolest Mickey Mouse Cake

Mickey Mouse Cake

I had made an Elmo cake for a friend and was then asked to make another one, a week before I was asked if I could do a Mickey Mouse instead! Panic stations, lots of sad looking Mickeys later and this was the end result. This a double layered vanilla cake, filled with chocolate butter-cream. … Read more

Coolest 1st Birthday Cookie Monster Cake

Coolest 1st Birthday Cookie Monster Cake

I have always loved Cookie Monster and knew he had to be the theme of my child’s 1st birthday, with or without the approval of daddy.  Ha ha! Making the Cookie Monster Cake I wanted to do everything myself (short of making the dough from scratch), so I purchased cake mixes in the box from … Read more

Coolest Puzzling Rubiks Cube Cake

My son has been trying to master the Rubik cube puzzle lately. He can do one or two sides but has not completed it…yet. So we decided to encourage his endeavor with a Rubiks Cube birthday cake. I thought it would be easy. I made a square Minecraft creeper cake last year so I had some ideas. But once I … Read more

Coolest OR Cake

OR Cake

I have been working as a nurse in OR and am now studying medicine. I really loved my work and already made an OR-cake for my team as I left hospital. Now it was a fellow student’s birthday. She loves surgery too and wants to become a surgeon. I thought of copying the design I … Read more

Debbie’s 50th Birthday Biker Cake

I wanted to make something with a sense of humor for Debbie’s 50th, but also something pretty, and since it was for a party centerpiece, something everyone could take home a part of and she could still have a ‘birthday cake’ at the end of the night. Cupcakes I made 72 cupcakes, using two different … Read more

Cool Ninja Turtle Cupcake Cake

Cool Ninja Turtle Cupcake Birthday Cake

We got a request to make a Ninja Turtle cupcake cake for 50 children. Okay, how do we do this?  We never made a cupcake cake. So we went online and got some images of Ninja Turtles. We then had the challenge of what to put it on. My cake cardboard’s were not big enough. … Read more

Coolest 12 Year Old Cat Lovers Cake

My daughter’s love of cats was my inspiration for these two adorable felines! To make these two cat cakes, I used two 9″ pans. stacked on top of each other with homemade butter cream icing! (2 sticks butter, 2 Tlbs Milk, 1 tsp Vanilla, mix well and scrape sides, mix again while adding 4 cups … Read more

Cool Googly Eyed Monster Cake

Cool Googly Eyed Monster Cake

My son and his 3 best friends all have birthdays one day after another, so they decided to have a joint party for their 7th birthday. All 4 worked on the idea for their cake, complete with drawings. It was decided that it should be a monster, but more silly than scary, it must have … Read more

Sam’s Thomas the Train Roundhouse Cake

I definitely bit off more than I could chew for this one. I am a firefighter – therefore spend a large part of my work time cooking. With that I have experimented with several cakes and decided to try to decorate one for my son’s birthday. As most toddlers Sam is crazy about trains. I … Read more

Coolest Red and Yellow Fondant Train Cake

Coolest Red and Yellow Fondant Train Cake

My son is a huge fan of trains. That’s nearly all he plays with. After searching this site for train cakes, I decided to get the Wilton train engine cake pan. I searched everywhere for an example of a train cake made with fondant with no success, so I decided to wing it. I’ve made … Read more

Cool Swimming Themed 10th Birthday Cake

I was asked to make this cake by a colleague for his daughter’s 10th birthday. The brief was a swimmer doing the butterfly, which I agreed to do without a single idea how I was going to do it. Anyway, I managed to complete this cake around a full time job over three evenings – … Read more

Coolest Rain Forest Baby Shower Cake

I got a message from a mother who was giving her daughter a Baby Shower.  She said they decorated the baby’s room like a Rain Forest.  So she asked if I could do something like that. I told her I’d do my best, so first thing I did was see what was in a rain forest. … Read more