Coolest Thomas Train Birthday Cake

This Thomas train birthday cake was made for my nephew who turns 2 today, 8th July 2013. He is a big fan of Thomas and friends. I  used a Thomas face picture to bring that feeling. It is not edible though. The cake was a half chocolate and half vanilla one. The bottom layer being … Read more

Coolest Baby’s Bottom Shower Cake

Coolest Baby's Bottom Shower Cake

I was asked to make a baby shower cake but they didn’t know what they wanted, so I thought it would be cool to make a baby’s bottom cake. I wanted to be a bit different, everyone always does a baby’s bum with a nappy on, I decided to be a bit cheeky and make … Read more

Coolest Three Tier Castle Birthday Cake

Castle Cake

I have made a few cakes before, but I truly enjoyed this one! This three tier castle birthday cake was so much fun to make but like with any cake, there are always difficulties and also discovery of new techniques. For this cake I used a simple vanilla sponge cake and filled with caramel and … Read more

Coolest Noddy Birthday Cake

A friend of mine wanted a cake for her granddaughter’s birthday, and she asked me for a cake incorporating Noddy. I looked on the web for ideas and asked her if a Noddy car would be ok, she was thrilled so I set out and started to make the Noddy car. I colored some fondant … Read more

Scream-azing Monsters University Birthday Cake

As soon as we knew that Monsters University was opening the weekend of my daughter’s 8th birthday, we knew we would be having a MU party at the theater.  Once that was decided, the next order of business was the cake!  We went through a few  ideas before we settled on a two tier cake … Read more

Coolest Ninjago Kai Birthday Cake

This Ninjago Kai birthday cake is the cake I made for my son’s 7th birthday. It was pretty simple to make. I just used a Lego man silicon cake tin, red velvet cake mix, white choc ganache, and fondants of different colors to decorate. I used sugar glue to secure the fondant decorations on top. The fire symbol … Read more

Coolest Rapunzel Cake

Coolest Rapunzel Cake

Nine months BEFORE her birthday, my daughter was set on wanting a Rapunzel cake. I kept telling her to wait until closer to her birthday to decide but she kept insisting she wanted a Rapunzel cake. She never wavered. So I decided  to make one for her. I am certainly not a professional but here’s how … Read more

Cool Homemade Princess Barbie Cake Using Wilton Classic Wonder Mold

Coolest Princess Barbie Cake

I used a basic cake mix using a Wilton Classic Wonder Mold for this princess Barbie cake. I used cranberry marmalade instead  of butter cream because of storage concerns. I colored the fondant with violet and kept the main skirt white. Ruffles went on first, then the doll body top and styled her hair. I … Read more

Coolest Burlesque Birthday Cake

I made this Burlesque birthday cake for my niece’s 18th birthday. She wanted something Burlesque, so I Googled some ideas. Sure there are easier ones, but for my niece I wanted to do something she would remember. Just to put it this way: I wish I wouldn’t.  I don’t even remember how much cake I … Read more

Naughty Homemade Corset Cupcakes

Hello cakers, My girlfriend was having a girl’s night only! She asked if I could make boob cup cakes! Yes you read correctly! Lol ah, pause I said what kind of boobs did you have in mind I asked her! The theme of her party was selling underwear and adult things! So anything could go! … Read more

Coolest Nurse Retirement Cake

This is a cake that I was asked to make for a nurse that was retiring from Hospice! Her co-workers were planning a surprise retirement party for her! I felt honored to make this retirement cake and hoped that it would make her surprise party that much more special! The inside had alternating layers of … Read more