Coolest Canon Camera Cake

My daughter and her boyfriend’s birthdays are only a week apart and they both love photography so I decided to do a cake for them similar to their cameras. This took me about 3 days, (hey, my nick name was “Snail” as a child…). The first day I went on the internet and found pictures … Read more

Coolest Junk Food Birthday Cake

I was approached by a friend and asked to make a birthday cake to go with her theme of a “Junk Food Birthday Party ” so what would be better than a cake all about junk food. I made a rich red velvet 12 inch round cake covered in rich cream cheese butter cream for … Read more

Coolest Teenage Girl Make-Up Kit

I baked a rectangle cake 12 by 10 in. I used four eggs, just a normal vanilla cake. And an 8 in round cake. I cut the round cake in half and iced with butter icing in the center and around it. I covered the round cake and the base which is a rectangle in … Read more

Coolest Mario Birthday Cake

When one of my regular customers (friend) asked me to do a Mario birthday cake for her son (as I had done his last 4 cakes), the pressure was on. I didn’t think that I could do Mario, he was so well known, I just told her yes, I would try and if I couldn’t … Read more

Coolest Face Shaped Cake

This cake was requested by a client who belongs to a book club. They had just finished “Shanghai Grip”, and there is a scene in which everyone brings a dish to a party. One guest had to bring a cake shaped like an old man’s head. So of course I got the difficult request, not … Read more

Down on the Farm Tractor Cake

I made this tractor cake for my dad who lives back home in Ireland, my daughters call him Ga ga! The reason behind a farm cake is simply because he lives out the countryside at home and grew up on a farm, also I saw a little tractor that looked really cute and really wanted … Read more

Coolest Soccer Theme Birthday Cake

Coolest Soccer Theme Birthday Cake

This soccer theme birthday cake was especially made for my son who is a great fan of Inter F.C. You need to do a square or rectangular cake as base then for the ball I did two cakes in a bowl and then attach them together to form the ball. I covered the cake with sugar … Read more

Coolest Crocodile Cake for 2-Year Old

Coolest Crocodile Cake for 2-Year Old

My son Lukas has an obsession with crocodiles (which he calls ‘Row row’ – from the song “row row row your boat”) so when it came to plan his 2nd birthday, there really was no other theme that felt right. I quickly realized that there is no such thing as a ‘crocodile cake tin’ on … Read more

Coolest Little Fairy Cake

I saw a cake a bit like this little fairy cake online and just loved it by little cottage cupcakes. I tried to make a similar and simpler one and this was the result. The cake was for a little girl’s first birthday, her mom asked me to just make a simple cake. I got … Read more

Coolest Leopard Shark Birthday Cake

My 11 year old grandson wanted to have a pool party for his birthday. Since he is a shark enthusiast, and I a self-taught baker, I offered to make him a shark cake. It seemed appropriate. That was until he let me know that his favorite shark was the Leopard shark. “Oh,” I said, “no … Read more

Coolest Jake and The Neverland Pirates Cake

Coolest Jake and The Neverland Pirates Cake

I made this Jake and The Neverland Pirates cake for my daughter’s 6th birthday. The children seemed to love this one. I made the pirate ship out of rice crispie treats and covered it with chocolate flavored marshmallow fondant. I find the treats are really easy to carve into the shape you want and hold the … Read more

Coolest Sweet Penguin Birthday Cake

Coolest Sweet Penguin Birthday Cake

What do you do for the birthday girl that LOVES penguins and is a cake decorator? Why you have to get her husband who ALSO decorates cakes to make her cake! This was made for me by my hubby last year. I must confess that I did help a little and I coached a LOT. … Read more