This ATV cake was done for a 30th birthday for a guy who loves 4 wheeler riding in the mud. His wife asked if I could do a 4 wheeler so I experimented! The cake is made from a triple layered 9 x 13. I baked and layered the cakes and went to carving! I used a remote control 4 wheeler as my “real life model” along with pictures of his personal 4 wheeler.
I started by tracing out the tires with my knife (I used a Tootsie Roll can as my circle) then started cutting deeper to make the space between the fender and the tires. I then carved out the space for the foot rest. I cut about an inch off of the front and the back because it made it look a little more proportionate. I trimmed the cake all over until I was happy with the way it looked then iced the cake with white buttercream icing. I let that stiffen up a little before adding another coat crumb-coating the cake with multiple layers so all the carving wouldn’t leave my final coats lumpy!

I used the lid to an almond flavoring bottle to cut out small indentions for what would be the rims. I used some of the cake pieces I had cut off to make a small hump in the front for my handle bars. The seat on his was camouflage so I made my seat on the Atv cake camouflage as well. I then used a large grass tip around the bottom of the entire cake.
The cooler is made from two packages of Little Debbie Fancy White cakes stacked on top of each other. The handle bars are pieces of wire (similar to wire clothes hangers) with rubber tubing covering them. The tubing I used was the rubber from an old blood pressure cuff. It was the perfect fit! My handlebars should’ve been a little shorter but it turned out ok anyway!
Another Cool ATV Cake
Cake by Julie F., Smithfield UT

I baked a 9 x 13 cake. I always make a day ahead and freeze the cake (after I take it out of pan). It makes it much easier to cut into shapes. Then I hurry and frost it while still frozen. For this cake I cut a spot out for each wheel and a little bit off the top for the seat.
I used doughnuts for the wheels and a candy bar for the handle of the ATV cake. For the frosting I used regular frosting then spray painted it with that new color spray frosting. The black is gel.
It was a big hit for my husband who has always wanted an ATV.
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