I had this idea using a standard 9×12 pan and then cutting it into two pieces – a 5×12 and a 4×12. The 5×12 becomes the main jet trimming, the front of the cake into a nose shape and using the trimmed pieces to form the cockpit (I used a piece of blue fruit rollup for the windshield.
Then cut the 4×12 into 4×8 and 4×4 pieces. Cut each of these pieces diagonally for the small and large wings. I frosted graham cracker pieces for the fins that stick up. Piped black outlines for the details. I added red gum drops to the back to look like the jets and printed a runway on my computer and used this to add to the plate.

Fun Birthday Cake Idea
Submitted by Dianne B., Rock Springs, WY

I used the airplane cake pan for my idea and then made the clouds from cool whip frosting with some blue food coloring mixed in.
Cutest Homemade Airplane Cake
Submitted by Patricia B., Clinton

I made this for a pilot leaving the company (a going away party). I began with a square cake pan for the sky. Then I used blue food coloring in fluffy white frosting and then swirled plain fluffy white frosting for clouds. Next I placed a round pan for the plane. I used a picture of the plane from a coloring book (in which I use often for decorating ideas). I frosted it white and used a toothpick to draw the plane then used tube frosting to go over my outline. Finally, I filled in the plane as it looked in the cartoon drawing.
Awesome Airplane Birthday Cake
Submitted by by Linda R., Salt Lake City, UT

Directions are on Shindigz. It’s an easy idea to create. It’s just a rectangular cake cut up and placed on a board. I did use a rice krispie treat for the upright tail section. It worked really well.
Colorful Carved Cake With Instructions
Submitted by Mari S., Lewisville, TX

I got this idea form a wonderful website called
I made this for Alejandro’s second birthday; he loved planes! I made some changes on my cake, but it turned out great.
What you will need: 16 x 2 in. Pans, Square Pan (Wilton pan) 3 package mixes Wilton buttercream recipe, One 36″ X 45″ “board” for displaying the cake – foamcore, corrugated, or cardboard (preferably black. Our black plastic table covers are terrific to cover cardboard), masking or athletic tape, Wilton Icing Colors (light blue, yellow, red, or the colors you prefer).

I used tip 21 (star tip) to cover the cake. Prepare the mixes according to the manufacturer’s directions. Pour both mixes into a well-greased pan. Bake according to directions on the package, but add an additional 5-10 minutes to the suggested time to bake.
Allow to cool after baking and place cake on wire rack in freezer for 45 minutes to 1 hour. Remove from the freezer and place on the board. Following the diagrams cut into pieces, and place them on the board as directed.
Trim where the dotted lines indicate. At the front of the airplane, where the cockpit is located, cut the top layer at a sloped angle to meet pieces “E” & “H”. Frost the entire cake. After frosting, frost again. If you have any questions I will be glad to help. Enjoy!

Coolest Farewell Cake Idea
Submitted by MaryKay C., Kiev, Ukraine

For this Farewell cake idea, first frost with white. Spray with blue mist for background (covering the plane and flag area so that it stays white). Outline plane with black frosting using no. 3 tip. Sprinkle in some silver glitter and/or sanding sugar on plane. Add red fruit roll-up stripes. Pipe in blue part of flag with star tip, and then overlay white stars.
Cool Birthday Cake Idea
Submitted by Jen D., Pensacola, FL

I made this for my son’s third birthday. He’s a HUGE Blue Angel fan.
I made it from 2 sheet cakes – cutting out the body from one and the wings from the second (diagonally). The cockpit was made from a snack cake (I wouldn’t recommend that idea, since it sat a little high on the cake).
The wings on top were made from icing graham crackers, diagonally cut in half. (NOTE: Do not ice graham crackers until ready to serve since the frosting will soften the crackers and they will wilt or break).
I stuck a candle in front of each wing tip and one on plane’s nose. The back had exhaust pipes with two orange gumdrops as the flame exhaust. It was a huge hit.
Coolest Cake and Birthday Game
Submitted by Victoria O., Bucharest, Romania

A cake to play with! The whole scenery of the airport activity turned the birthday cake ceremony into an exciting board game for all the little ones who gathered around the table. It was a little bit hard for them, though, having to take apart the flying machine in order to try it out.
Nevertheless, Alen (3) had a great time being one of the ones giving away the parts of the airplane.
Amazing Airplane Cake
Submitted by Lia ter H., Seattle, WA

Here are Lia’s preparation tips for her airplane cake idea: My daughter insisted that she needed a blue airplane cake for her fourth birthday. (We live near three airports, maybe that’s why…) So I did my best….
Here’s how I did it: I baked 4 cakes in loaf pans so that I could make the long narrow body. I think you could make it using one big lasagna pan or something but I was afraid of it breaking while I was carving, so I used the loaf pans and I made pound cake so it would hold together under pressure.
I split the loafs in half lengthwise to fill with chocolate buttercream and then pieced two (whole) cakes horizontally on a board to make the fuselage.
Then I split another cake diagonally to create the two wings (turning one over to create its mirror image) I used the remaining cake to carve the tail section, which I mounted on the rear using toothpicks to hold in place.

Once the basics for this cake idea were in place I used a sharp knife to carve the nose and fuselage. I iced the whole airplane in pale blue Swiss meringue buttercream, using a warmed knife to smooth the surface. I molded the windows from blue fondant. Then I sprayed the whole cake with spray food coloring to give the sides a deeper blue. I added some sugar glitter.
I got balsa wood airplane cutouts for 25 cents from the craft store and glued magnets on the backs and the kids used acrylic paint pens and glitter glue to decorate their own airplane fridge magnets.
Adorable Flying Plane Cake
Submitted by Caroline L., Scarsdale, NY

Read Caroline’s “Party-Tale”: The story behind the cake…
Coolest Homemade Multi-Vehicle Cake
Airplane cake idea by Michelle C., San Antonio, TX

(Editor’s Note: This is a multi-vehicle cake, however the idea of setting a toy airplane on whipcream as if it were a cloud is so cool, that we decided to put the cake here…)
This was such a fun cake to make for my son Caleb’s second birthday. It was a joint party with his best friend Miles. The theme was Planes, Trains, and Automobiles. The only regret was not being able to find a little toy train in time!
Baking the Cakes
To start, I made two separate 9×13 yellow cakes, from a box mix. In between these two layers, I spread a thick layer of real whipping cream, lightly sweetened, (much better than Cool Whip) that I had dyed blue. Then I made two batches of decorator’s icing (the recipe was on the bag of confectioner’s sugar, but I added about another half cup of sugar to make it stiffer).
Decorating the Cakes
With white icing I covered the entire cake as a base. Then I drew with a toothpick the basic layout of the design, indicating where the train track, road, and sky would be. I crumbled up a snack size bag of mini Oreos and placed it on the cake for the train track. On top of the cookie crumbs, I drew the tracks with blue decorating gel.
Then, I made some of the icing blue and covered one corner of the cake with star points. I placed the toy airplane on the cake with the front end propped up with a toothpick. This made it look like the airplane was flying! I hid the toothpick with white whipping cream to look like clouds and made more clouds around the airplane.
Next, I made the rest of the icing green for grass and made star points all over the rest of the cake, except for leaving the road white. This took about a whole batch of icing on its own.
With white whipping cream I wrote “Happy Birthday” on the green star points and with yellow decorating gel wrote “Caleb & Miles” on the white road. Beware, though, because whipping cream is very airy and very difficult to write neatly with!
Last of all, I placed the #2 candle in the empty space above the “Happy Birthday.” It looked great. Everyone loved how the cake looked and tasted. It was a big hit. And I was very happy about it, too!
Cool Birthday Cake Idea
Airplane cake idea by Amanda M., Calgary, Alberta

For my son’s 2nd Birthday, we had an airplane theme. I bought the cake pan on the internet and made a cake board with a map of Canada for the airplanes to sit on to give the effect of them flying over the country. This cake idea was a big hit with everyone!
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